Lioncash cc737e5832 service/fatal: Name FatalInfo structure members
Based off RE, most of these structure members are register values, which
makes, sense given this service is used to convey fatal errors.

One member indicates the program entry point address, one is a set of
bit flags used to determine which registers to print, and one member
indicates the architecture type.

The only member that still isn't determined is the final member within
the data structure.
2019-03-30 03:01:20 -04:00

188 lines
6.9 KiB

// Copyright 2018 yuzu emulator team
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <array>
#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <fmt/time.h>
#include "common/file_util.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/scm_rev.h"
#include "common/swap.h"
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/hle/ipc_helpers.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/process.h"
#include "core/hle/service/fatal/fatal.h"
#include "core/hle/service/fatal/fatal_p.h"
#include "core/hle/service/fatal/fatal_u.h"
namespace Service::Fatal {
Module::Interface::Interface(std::shared_ptr<Module> module, const char* name)
: ServiceFramework(name), module(std::move(module)) {}
Module::Interface::~Interface() = default;
struct FatalInfo {
enum class Architecture : s32 {
const char* ArchAsString() const {
return arch == Architecture::AArch64 ? "AArch64" : "AArch32";
std::array<u64_le, 31> registers{};
u64_le sp{};
u64_le pc{};
u64_le pstate{};
u64_le afsr0{};
u64_le afsr1{};
u64_le esr{};
u64_le far{};
std::array<u64_le, 32> backtrace{};
u64_le program_entry_point{};
// Bit flags that indicate which registers have been set with values
// for this context. The service itself uses these to determine which
// registers to specifically print out.
u64_le set_flags{};
u32_le backtrace_size{};
Architecture arch{};
u32_le unk10{}; // TODO(ogniK): Is this even used or is it just padding?
static_assert(sizeof(FatalInfo) == 0x250, "FatalInfo is an invalid size");
enum class FatalType : u32 {
ErrorReportAndScreen = 0,
ErrorReport = 1,
ErrorScreen = 2,
static void GenerateErrorReport(ResultCode error_code, const FatalInfo& info) {
const auto title_id = Core::CurrentProcess()->GetTitleID();
std::string crash_report = fmt::format(
"Yuzu {}-{} crash report\n"
"Title ID: {:016x}\n"
"Result: 0x{:X} ({:04}-{:04d})\n"
"Set flags: 0x{:16X}\n"
"Program entry point: 0x{:16X}\n"
Common::g_scm_branch, Common::g_scm_desc, title_id, error_code.raw,
2000 + static_cast<u32>(error_code.module.Value()),
static_cast<u32>(error_code.description.Value()), info.set_flags, info.program_entry_point);
if (info.backtrace_size != 0x0) {
crash_report += "Registers:\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.registers.size(); i++) {
crash_report +=
fmt::format(" X[{:02d}]: {:016x}\n", i, info.registers[i]);
crash_report += fmt::format(" SP: {:016x}\n", info.sp);
crash_report += fmt::format(" PC: {:016x}\n", info.pc);
crash_report += fmt::format(" PSTATE: {:016x}\n", info.pstate);
crash_report += fmt::format(" AFSR0: {:016x}\n", info.afsr0);
crash_report += fmt::format(" AFSR1: {:016x}\n", info.afsr1);
crash_report += fmt::format(" ESR: {:016x}\n", info.esr);
crash_report += fmt::format(" FAR: {:016x}\n", info.far);
crash_report += "\nBacktrace:\n";
for (size_t i = 0; i < info.backtrace_size; i++) {
crash_report +=
fmt::format(" Backtrace[{:02d}]: {:016x}\n", i, info.backtrace[i]);
crash_report += fmt::format("Architecture: {}\n", info.ArchAsString());
crash_report += fmt::format("Unknown 10: 0x{:016x}\n", info.unk10);
LOG_ERROR(Service_Fatal, "{}", crash_report);
const std::string crashreport_dir =
FileUtil::GetUserPath(FileUtil::UserPath::LogDir) + "crash_logs";
if (!FileUtil::CreateFullPath(crashreport_dir)) {
"Unable to create crash report directory. Possible log directory permissions issue.");
const std::time_t t = std::time(nullptr);
const std::string crashreport_filename =
fmt::format("{}/{:016x}-{:%F-%H%M%S}.log", crashreport_dir, title_id, *std::localtime(&t));
auto file = FileUtil::IOFile(crashreport_filename, "wb");
if (file.IsOpen()) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_Fatal, "Saving error report to {}", crashreport_filename);
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_Fatal, "Failed to save error report to {}", crashreport_filename);
static void ThrowFatalError(ResultCode error_code, FatalType fatal_type, const FatalInfo& info) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_Fatal, "Threw fatal error type {} with error code 0x{:X}",
static_cast<u32>(fatal_type), error_code.raw);
switch (fatal_type) {
case FatalType::ErrorReportAndScreen:
GenerateErrorReport(error_code, info);
case FatalType::ErrorScreen:
// Since we have no fatal:u error screen. We should just kill execution instead
// Should not throw a fatal screen but should generate an error report
case FatalType::ErrorReport:
GenerateErrorReport(error_code, info);
void Module::Interface::ThrowFatal(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_Fatal, "called");
IPC::RequestParser rp{ctx};
auto error_code = rp.Pop<ResultCode>();
ThrowFatalError(error_code, FatalType::ErrorScreen, {});
IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2};
void Module::Interface::ThrowFatalWithPolicy(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_Fatal, "called");
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx);
auto error_code = rp.Pop<ResultCode>();
auto fatal_type = rp.PopEnum<FatalType>();
ThrowFatalError(error_code, fatal_type, {}); // No info is passed with ThrowFatalWithPolicy
IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2};
void Module::Interface::ThrowFatalWithCpuContext(Kernel::HLERequestContext& ctx) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_Fatal, "called");
IPC::RequestParser rp(ctx);
auto error_code = rp.Pop<ResultCode>();
auto fatal_type = rp.PopEnum<FatalType>();
auto fatal_info = ctx.ReadBuffer();
FatalInfo info{};
ASSERT_MSG(fatal_info.size() == sizeof(FatalInfo), "Invalid fatal info buffer size!");
std::memcpy(&info, fatal_info.data(), sizeof(FatalInfo));
ThrowFatalError(error_code, fatal_type, info);
IPC::ResponseBuilder rb{ctx, 2};
void InstallInterfaces(SM::ServiceManager& service_manager) {
auto module = std::make_shared<Module>();
} // namespace Service::Fatal