{ pkgs, lib, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = (with pkgs; [ # Audiovisual darktable exiftool flac lame opusTools pavucontrol r128gain simple-scan skanlite yt-dlp # Linux tools dmidecode ethtool gparted hdparm iptables lm_sensors nethogs nvme-cli parted powertop psmisc qrencode rsync xorg.xeyes xorg.xkill zbar # Filesystems cifs-utils exfatprogs nfs-utils ntfsprogs udftools # Useful CLI tools _7zz appimage-run bind borgbackup file fzf git-lfs gitAndTools.gitFull gitAndTools.pass-git-helper htop hunspell jq libarchive lsof nix-output-monitor openssl parallel pciutils pdftk poppler_utils python3Packages.ipython ripgrep rlwrap tmux tomb tree unrar unzip usbutils xxd zip # Networking curlFull iw mosh mtr sshuttle traceroute transmission-remote-gtk wget wormhole-rs # Development patchelf # Security pass wireguard-tools yubikey-manager # GUI tools dino eog evince gimp gnome-system-monitor inkscape libreoffice-fresh nheko # I guess this is its own thing libqalculate qalculate-gtk # Gnome configuration adwaita-icon-theme gsettings-desktop-schemas gnome-themes-extra hicolor-icon-theme # Dictionaries ]) ++ (with pkgs.hunspellDicts; [ en-us-large de_DE ]) ++ (lib.optionals (pkgs.system == "x86_64-linux") ( with pkgs; [ # Web google-chrome # EFI stuff efibootmgr efitools sbsigntool # Wine and tools cabextract samba wineWowPackages.stagingFull ] )); }