* module/mes/read-0.mes (read-hash): New function. (read-word): Use it. (eat-whitespace): Rewrite. (display): Minimal implementation through core. * lib.c (stderr_): Support printing of strings while booting.
332 lines
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;;; -*-scheme-*-
;;; Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software
;;; Copyright © 2016 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <janneke@gnu.org>
;;; This file is part of Mes.
;;; Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Mes. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;;; read-0.mes - bootstrap reader. This file is read by a minimal
;;; core reader. It only supports s-exps and line-comments; quotes,
;;; character literals, string literals cannot be used here.
;;; Code:
((lambda (a+ a)
(set-cdr! a+ (cdr a))
(set-cdr! a a+)
(set-cdr! (assq (quote *closure*) a) a+)
(car a+))
(cons (cons (quote env:define) #f) (list))
(set! env:define
(lambda (a+ a)
(set-cdr! a+ (cdr a))
(set-cdr! a a+)
(set-cdr! (assq (quote *closure*) a) a+)
(car a+)))
(env:define (cons (cons (quote <cell:macro>) 4) (list)) (current-module))
(env:define (cons (cons (quote <cell:pair>) 6) (list)) (current-module))
(env:define (cons (cons (quote sexp:define) #f) (list)) (current-module))
(env:define (cons (cons (quote env:macro) #f) (list)) (current-module))
(env:define (cons (cons (quote cons*) #f) (list)) (current-module))
(env:define (cons (cons (quote not)
(lambda (x) (if x #f #t)))
(list)) (current-module))
(env:define (cons (cons (quote pair?)
(lambda (x) (eq? (core:type x) <cell:pair>)))
(list)) (current-module))
(env:define (cons (cons (quote atom?)
(lambda (x) (not (pair? x))))
(list)) (current-module))
(set! sexp:define
(lambda (e a)
(if (atom? (cadr e)) (cons (cadr e) (eval-env (car (cddr e)) a))
(cons (car (cadr e)) (eval-env (cons (quote lambda) (cons (cdr (cadr e)) (cddr e))) a)))))
(set! env:macro
(lambda (name+entry)
(cons (car name+entry)
(make-cell <cell:macro> (core:car (car name+entry)) (cdr name+entry)))
(set! cons*
(lambda (. rest)
(if (null? (cdr rest)) (car rest)
(cons (car rest) (apply-env cons* (cdr rest) (current-module))))))
(define-macro (define ARGS . BODY)
(cons* (quote env:define)
(cons* (quote cons)
(cons* (quote sexp:define)
(list (quote quote)
(cons (quote DEFINE) (cons ARGS BODY)))
(quote ((current-module))))
(quote ((list))))
(quote ((current-module))))))
(current-module))) (current-module))
(define-macro (define-macro ARGS . BODY)
(cons* (quote env:define)
(list (quote env:macro)
(cons* (quote sexp:define)
(list (quote quote)
(cons (quote DEFINE-MACRO) (cons ARGS BODY)))
(quote ((current-module)))))
(quote ((current-module))))))
(current-module))) (current-module))
(define <cell:character> 0)
(define <cell:keyword> 3)
(define <cell:string> 9)
(define (newline . rest) (core:stderr (list->string (list (integer->char 10)))))
(define (display x . rest) (core:stderr x))
(define (list->symbol lst) (make-symbol lst))
(define (symbol->list s)
(core:car s))
(define (list->string lst)
(make-cell <cell:string> lst 0))
(define (integer->char x)
(make-cell <cell:character> 0 x))
(define (symbol->keyword s)
(make-cell <cell:keyword> (symbol->list s) 0))
(define (read)
(read-word (read-byte) (list) (current-module)))
(define (read-env a)
(read-word (read-byte) (list) a))
(define (read-input-file)
(define (helper x)
(if (null? x) x
(cons x (helper (read)))))
(helper (read)))
(define-macro (cond . clauses)
(list (quote if) (pair? clauses)
(list (quote if) (car (car clauses))
(if (pair? (cdar clauses))
(if (eq? (car (cdar clauses)) (quote =>))
(append2 (cdr (cdar clauses)) (list (caar clauses)))
(list (cons (quote lambda) (cons (list) (car clauses)))))
(list (cons (quote lambda) (cons (list) (car clauses)))))
(if (pair? (cdr clauses))
(cons (quote cond) (cdr clauses))))))
(define (eat-whitespace c)
((eq? c 32) (eat-whitespace (read-byte)))
((eq? c 10) (eat-whitespace (read-byte)))
((eq? c 9) (eat-whitespace (read-byte)))
((eq? c 12) (eat-whitespace (read-byte)))
((eq? c 13) (eat-whitespace (read-byte)))
((eq? c 59) (begin (read-line-comment c)
(eat-whitespace (read-byte))))
((eq? c 35) (cond ((eq? (peek-byte) 33)
(read-block-comment 33 (read-byte))
(eat-whitespace (read-byte)))
((eq? (peek-byte) 59)
(read-word (read-byte) (list) (list))
(eat-whitespace (read-byte)))
((eq? (peek-byte) 124)
(read-block-comment 124 (read-byte))
(eat-whitespace (read-byte)))
(#t (unread-byte 35))))
(#t (unread-byte c))))
(define (read-block-comment s c)
(if (eq? c s) (if (eq? (peek-byte) 35) (read-byte)
(read-block-comment s (read-byte)))
(read-block-comment s (read-byte))))
(define (read-line-comment c)
(if (eq? c 10) c
(read-line-comment (read-byte))))
(define (read-list a)
(eat-whitespace (read-byte))
(if (eq? (peek-byte) 41) (begin (read-byte) (list))
((lambda (w)
(if (eq? w *dot*) (car (read-list a))
(cons w (read-list a))))
(read-word (read-byte) (list) a))))
(define-macro (and . x)
(if (null? x) #t
(if (null? (cdr x)) (car x)
(list (quote if) (car x) (cons (quote and) (cdr x))
(define-macro (or . x)
(if (null? x) #f
(if (null? (cdr x)) (car x)
(list (quote if) (car x) (car x)
(cons (quote or) (cdr x))))))
(define (not x)
(if x #f #t))
(define (read-character)
(define (read-octal c p n)
(if (not (and (> p 47) (< p 56))) n
(read-octal (read-byte) (peek-byte) (+ (ash n 3) (- p 48)))))
(define (read-name c p n)
(define (lookup-char n)
(cond ((assq n (quote ((*foe* . -1)
(lun . 0)
(mrala . 7)
(ecapskcab . 8)
(bat . 9)
(enilwen . 10)
(batv . 11)
(egap . 12)
(nruter . 13)
(ecaps . 32)))) => cdr)
(#t (core:stderr (quote char-not-supported:)) (core:stderr n) (newline) (exit 1))))
(if (not (and (> p 96) (< p 123))) (integer->char (lookup-char (list->symbol (cons (integer->char c) n))))
(read-name (read-byte) (peek-byte) (cons (integer->char c) n))))
((lambda (c p)
(cond ((and (> c 47) (< c 56) (> p 47) (< p 56))
(integer->char (read-octal c p (- c 48))))
((and (> c 96) (< c 123) (> p 96) (< p 123)) (read-name c p (list)))
(#t (integer->char c))))
(read-byte) (peek-byte)))
(define (read-hex)
(define (calc c)
(cond ((and (> c 64) (< c 71)) (+ (- c 65) 10))
((and (> c 96) (< c 103)) (+ (- c 97) 10))
((and (> c 47) (< c 58)) (- c 48))
(#t 0)))
(define (read-hex c p n)
(if (not (or (and (> p 64) (< p 71))
(and (> p 96) (< p 103))
(and (> p 47) (< p 58)))) (+ (ash n 4) (calc c))
(read-hex (read-byte) (peek-byte) (+ (ash n 4) (calc c)))))
((lambda (c p)
(read-hex c p 0))
(read-byte) (peek-byte)))
(define (read-string)
(define (append-char s c)
(append2 s (cons (integer->char c) (list))))
(define (read-string c p s)
((and (eq? c 92) (or (eq? p 92) (eq? p 34)))
((lambda (c)
(read-string (read-byte) (peek-byte) (append-char s c)))
((and (eq? c 92) (eq? p 110))
(read-string (read-byte) (peek-byte) (append-char s 10)))
((eq? c 34) s)
((eq? c -1) (core:stderr (quote EOF-in-string)) (newline) (exit 1))
(#t (read-string (read-byte) (peek-byte) (append-char s c)))))
(list->string (read-string (read-byte) (peek-byte) (list))))
(define (map1 f lst)
(if (null? lst) (list)
(cons (f (car lst)) (map1 f (cdr lst)))))
(define (lookup w a)
(core:lookup (map1 integer->char w) a))
(define (read-hash c w a)
((eq? c 33) (begin (read-block-comment 33 (read-byte))
(read-word (read-byte) w a)))
((eq? c 124) (begin (read-block-comment 124 (read-byte))
(read-word (read-byte) w a)))
((eq? c 40) (list->vector (read-list a)))
((eq? c 92) (read-character))
((eq? c 120) (read-hex))
((eq? c 44) (cond ((eq? (peek-byte) 64)
(cons (quote unsyntax-splicing)
(cons (read-word (read-byte) w a) w)))
(#t (cons (quote unsyntax)
(cons (read-word (read-byte) w a) w)))))
((eq? c 39) (cons (quote syntax) (cons (read-word (read-byte) w a) w)))
((eq? c 58) (symbol->keyword (read-word (read-byte) w a)))
((eq? c 59) (begin (read-word (read-byte) w a)
(read-word (read-byte) w a)))
((eq? c 96) (cons (quote quasisyntax)
(cons (read-word (read-byte) w a) w)))
(#t (read-word c (append2 w (cons 35 w)) a))))
(define (read-word c w a)
((or (and (> c 96) (< c 123))
(eq? c 45)
(eq? c 63)
(and (> c 47) (< c 58))) (read-word (read-byte) (append2 w (cons c (list))) a))
((eq? c 40) (if (null? w) (read-list a)
(begin (unread-byte c) (lookup w a))))
((eq? c 41) (if (null? w) (quote *FOOBAR*)
(begin (unread-byte c) (lookup w a))))
((eq? c 34) (if (null? w) (read-string)
(begin (unread-byte c) (lookup w a))))
((eq? c 32) (if (null? w) (read-word (read-byte) (list) a) (lookup w a)))
((eq? c 10) (if (null? w) (read-word (read-byte) (list) a) (lookup w a)))
((eq? c 35) (read-hash (read-byte) w a))
((eq? c 39) (if (null? w) (cons (quote quote)
(cons (read-word (read-byte) w a) (list)))
(begin (unread-byte c) (lookup w a))))
((eq? c 44) (cond
((eq? (peek-byte) 64)
(begin (read-byte)
(quote unquote-splicing)
(cons (read-word (read-byte) w a) (list)))))
(#t (cons (quote unquote)
(cons (read-word (read-byte) w a) (list))))))
((eq? c 96) (cons (quote quasiquote) (cons (read-word (read-byte) w a) (list))))
((eq? c 59) (read-line-comment c) (read-word 10 w a))
((eq? c 9) (read-word 32 w a))
((eq? c 12) (read-word 32 w a))
((eq? c -1) (list))
(#t (read-word (read-byte) (append2 w (cons c (list))) a))))
((lambda (p)
(begin-env p (current-module)))