Jan Nieuwenhuizen ba17eeeefe
build: Fixes for Debian and /bin/sh == dash.
* Use separate export stanzas.  Use command -v (WAS: type
  -p).  Fixes sh, /bin/sh == dash.
* build-aux/ Likewise.
* build-aux/ Likewise.
* build-aux/ Likewise.
* build-aux/ Likewise.
* build-aux/ Likewise.
* build-aux/ Likewise.
* Likewise.
* Likewise.
* scripts/mescc: Likewise.
2018-05-03 20:32:06 +02:00

281 lines
10 KiB
Executable file

#! /bin/sh
# -*- scheme -*-
echo -n "checking for guile..."
GUILE=$(command -v ${GUILE-guile} 2>/dev/null|tail -n 1|sed 's,^.* ,,')
export GUILE
if [ -x "$GUILE" ]; then
echo " $GUILE"
pm=$({ guix --help || dpkg --help; }|head -n 1|sed 's,.*Usage: \([^ ]*\).*,\1,g')
case "$pm" in dpkg) message="sudo apt-get install guile-2.0";; *) message="guix environment guix.scm";; esac
cat <<EOF
Missing dependencies, run
exit 1
exec ${GUILE} --no-auto-compile -L $(pwd) -C $(pwd) -e 'main' -s "$0" ${1+"$@"}
;;; Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software
;;; Copyright © 2016,2017,2018 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen <>
;;; configure: This file is part of Mes.
;;; Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
;;; your option) any later version.
;;; Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with Mes. If not, see <>.
(define (main args)
((@@ (configure) main) args))
(define-module (configure)
#:use-module (ice-9 and-let-star)
#:use-module (ice-9 curried-definitions)
#:use-module (ice-9 getopt-long)
#:use-module (ice-9 match)
#:use-module (ice-9 optargs)
#:use-module (ice-9 popen)
#:use-module (ice-9 rdelim))
(define *shell* "sh")
(define PACKAGE "mes")
(define VERSION "0.13")
(define PREFIX "/usr/local")
(define GUILE_EFFECTIVE_VERSION (effective-version))
(define GUILE (or (getenv "guile") "guile"))
(define SYSCONFDIR "$(PREFIX)/etc")
;;; Utility
(define (logf port string . rest)
(apply format (cons* port string rest))
(force-output port)
(define (stderr string . rest)
(apply logf (cons* (current-error-port) string rest)))
(define (stdout string . rest)
(apply logf (cons* (current-output-port) string rest)))
(define *verbose?* #f)
(define (verbose string . rest)
(if *verbose?* (apply stderr (cons string rest))))
(define (gulp-pipe command)
(let* ((port (open-pipe* OPEN_READ *shell* "-c" command))
(output (read-string port))
(status (close-pipe port)))
(verbose "command[~a]: ~s => ~a\n" status command output)
(if (not (zero? status)) "" (string-trim-right output #\newline))))
(define* ((->string #:optional (infix "")) h . t)
(let ((o (if (pair? t) (cons h t) h)))
(match o
((? char?) (make-string 1 o))
((? number?) (number->string o))
((? string?) o)
((? symbol?) (symbol->string o))
((h ... t) (string-join (map (->string) o) ((->string) infix)))
(_ ""))))
(define (tuple< a b)
((and (null? a) (null? b)) #t)
((null? a) (not (null? b)))
((null? b) #f)
((and (not (< (car a) (car b)))
(not (< (car b) (car a))))
(tuple< (cdr a) (cdr b)))
(else (< (car a) (car b)))))
(define (tuple<= a b)
(or (equal? a b) (tuple< a b)))
;;; Configure
(define (version->string version)
((->string '.) version))
(define (string->version string)
(and-let* ((version (string-tokenize string
(char-set-adjoin char-set:digit #\.)))
((pair? version))
(version (sort version (lambda (a b) (> (string-length a) (string-length b)))))
(version (car version))
(version (string-tokenize version
(char-set-complement (char-set #\.)))))
(map string->number version)))
(define optional '())
(define required '())
(define* (check-version name expected
(deb #f)
(version-option '--version)
(compare tuple<=)
(command name))
(stderr "checking for ~a~a..." name
(if (null? expected) ""
(format #f " [~a]" (version->string expected))))
(let* ((output (gulp-pipe (format #f "~a ~a 2>&1" command version-option)))
(actual (string->version output))
(pass? (and actual (compare expected actual))))
(stderr "~a ~a\n" (if pass? (if (pair? actual) "" " yes")
(if actual " no, found" "")) (version->string actual))
(or pass?
(if (not (pair? name)) (begin (if optional? (set! optional (cons (or deb name) optional))
(set! required (cons (or deb name) required)))
(check-version (cdr name) expected deb version-option compare)))))
(define* (check-pkg-config package expected #:optional (deb #f))
(check-version (format #f "pkg-config --modversion ~a" package) expected deb))
(define (check-compile-header-c header)
(and (= 0 (system (format #f "echo '#include ~s' | gcc -E - > /dev/null 2>&1" header)))
(define (check-compile-header-c++ header)
(and (= 0 (system (format #f "echo '#include ~s' | gcc --language=c++ --std=c++11 -E - > /dev/null 2>&1" header)))
(define* (check-header-c header deb #:optional (check check-compile-header-c))
(stderr "checking for ~a..." header)
(let ((result (check header)))
(stderr " ~a\n" (if result result "no"))
(if (not result)
(set! required (cons deb required)))))
(define* (check-header-c++ header deb #:optional (check check-compile-header-c++))
(check-header-c header deb check))
(define guix?
(and (zero? (system "guix --version 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null")) 1))
(define CC (or (getenv "CC") "gcc"))
(define BUILD_TRIPLET %host-type)
(define ARCH (car (string-split BUILD_TRIPLET #\-)))
(define CC32 (or (getenv "CC32")
(if (member ARCH '("i686" "arm")) (string-append BUILD_TRIPLET "-" CC)
(define HEX2 (or (getenv "HEX2") "hex2"))
(define M1 (or (getenv "M1") "M1"))
(define CFLAGS (getenv "CFLAGS"))
(define C32FLAGS (getenv "C32FLAGS"))
(define HEX2FLAGS (getenv "HEX2FLAGS"))
(define M1FLAGS (getenv "M1FLAGS"))
(define MESCCFLAGS (getenv "MESCCFLAGS"))
(define (parse-opts args)
(let* ((option-spec
'((build (value #t))
(host (value #t))
(help (single-char #\h))
(prefix (value #t))
(sysconfdir (value #t))
(verbose (single-char #\v))
(options (getopt-long args option-spec))
(help? (option-ref options 'help #f))
(files (option-ref options '() '()))
(prefix (option-ref options '() PREFIX))
(usage? (and (not help?) #f)))
(if (pair? files)
(stderr "ignoring files: ~a\n" files))
(or (and (or help? usage?)
((or (and usage? stderr) stdout) "\
Usage: ./configure [OPTION]...
-h, --help display this help
--build=BUILD configure for building on BUILD [guessed]
--host=HOST cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]
--prefix=DIR install in PREFIX [~a]
--sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc]
-v, --verbose be verbose
--with-courage assert being courageous to configure for unsupported platform
(exit (or (and usage? 2) 0)))
(define (main args)
(let* ((options (parse-opts args))
(build-triplet (option-ref options 'build BUILD_TRIPLET))
(host-triplet (option-ref options 'host BUILD_TRIPLET))
(prefix (option-ref options 'prefix PREFIX))
(sysconfdir (option-ref options 'sysconfdir SYSCONFDIR))
(verbose? (option-ref options 'verbose #f))
(with-courage? (option-ref options 'with-courage #f))
(make? #f))
(set! *verbose?* verbose?)
(check-version 'guile '(2 0))
(check-version HEX2 '(0 1))
(check-version M1 '(0 2))
(check-version 'nyacc '(0 80 3) #:command (string-append GUILE " -c '(use-modules (nyacc lalr)) (display *nyacc-version*)'"))
(check-version 'bash '(4 0))
(when (and (not (member ARCH '("i686" "x86_64"))) (not with-courage?))
(stderr "platform not supported: ~a, try --with-courage\n" ARCH)
(exit 1))
(if (not (check-version CC '(4 8) #:optional? #t))
(set! CC #f))
(when CC
(check-header-c "stdio.h" "libc-dev")
(check-header-c "limits.h" "linux-headers"))
(if (not (check-version CC32 '(4 8) #:optional? #t))
(set! CC32 #f))
(set! make? (check-version 'make '(4 0) #:optional? #t))
(check-version 'perl '(5))
(when (pair? required)
(stderr "\nMissing dependencies [~a], run\n\n" ((->string ", ") required))
(if guix?
(stderr " guix environment -l guix.scm\n")
(stderr " sudo apt-get install ~a\n" ((->string " ") required)))
(exit 1))
(with-output-to-file ".config.make"
(lambda ()
(stdout "build:=~a\n" build-triplet)
(stdout "host:=~a\n" host-triplet)
(stdout "srcdir:=.\n")
(stdout "ARCH:=~a\n" ARCH)
(stdout "CC:=~a\n" (or CC ""))
(stdout "CC32:=~a\n" (or CC32 ""))
(stdout "HEX2:=~a\n" (or HEX2 ""))
(stdout "M1:=~a\n" (or M1 ""))
(stdout "GUILE:=~a\n" GUILE)
(stdout "GUILE_FOR_BUILD:=~a\n" GUILE)
(stdout "GUIX_P:=~a\n" (if guix? guix? ""))
(stdout "HEX2:=~a\n" (or HEX2 ""))
(stdout "PACKAGE:=~a\n" PACKAGE)
(stdout "VERSION:=~a\n" VERSION)
(stdout "PREFIX:=~a\n" (gulp-pipe (string-append "echo " prefix)))
(stdout "SYSCONFDIR:=~a\n" sysconfdir)
(when CFLAGS (stdout "CFLAGS:=~a\n" CFLAGS))
(when C32FLAGS (stdout "C32FLAGS:=~a\n" C32FLAGS))
(when HEX2FLAGS (stdout "HEX2FLAGS:=~a\n" HEX2FLAGS))
(when M1FLAGS (stdout "M1FLAGS:=~a\n" M1FLAGS))
(format (current-output-port)
~a to build mes
~a help for help on other targets\n"
(if make? "make" "./")
(if make? "make" "./"))))