506 lines
15 KiB
506 lines
15 KiB
;;(use-modules ((system base lalr)))
(define c-parser
(lbrace rbrace lparen rparen lbracket rbracket semicolon colon dot comma
Identifier NumericLiteral StringLiteral
break case continue goto label
return switch
if else
(left: or && ! * / + -)
(left: bool double float enum void int struct)
(nonassoc: == !=)
(translation-unit *eoi*) : `(root ,@$1))
(external-declaration) : `(,$1)
(translation-unit external-declaration) : `(,@$1 ,@$2))
(function-definition) : $1
(declaration) : $1
(error semicolon) : (begin (syntax-error "external declaration" @1 $1) '()))
(declarator compound-statement) : `(function ,$1 (signature int (formals)) ,$2)
(declaration-specifiers declarator compound-statement) : `(function ,$2 (signature ,$1 (formals)) ,$3)
(declaration-specifiers declarator declaration-list compound-statement) : `(function ,$2 (signature ,$1 ,$3) ,$4))
(declaration-specifiers semicolon) : `(,$1)
;;(declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list semicolon): `(,$1 ,$2)
(declaration) : `(formals $1)
(declaration-list declaration) : `(,@$1 ,@(cdr $2)))
;;(storage-class-specifier) : `(,$1)
(type-specifier) : `(,$1)
;;(type-qualifier) : `($1)
;;(storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers) : (cons $1 $2)
;;(type-specifier declaration-specifiers) : (cons $1 $2)
;;(type-qualifier declaration-specifiers) : (cons $1 $2)
;; (storage_class_specifier
;; (auto)
;; (extern)
;; (register)
;; (static)
;; (typedef))
;; (char) : $1
;; (double) : $1
;; (void) : $1
;; (float)
(int) : 'int
;; (long)
;; (short)
;; (unsigned)
;; (struct-or-enum-specifier)
;; (enum-specifier)
;; (type-name)
;; (type-qualifier
;; (const)
;; (volatile))
;; struct_or_union_specifier:
;; struct_or_union_ident lbrace struct_declaration_list rbrace
;; | struct_or_union_ident
;; ;
;; struct_or_union_ident: struct_or_union
;; | struct_or_union Identifier
;; ;
;; struct_or_union: STRUCT { ; }
;; | UNION { ; }
;; ;
;; struct_declaration_list: struct_declaration
;; | struct_declaration_list struct_declaration
;; ;
;; init_declarator_list: init_declarator %prec comma
;; | init_declarator_list comma init_declarator
;; ;
;; init_declarator: declarator
;; | declarator EQ initializer
;; | error { yyerror("init declarator error"); }
;; ;
;; struct_declaration: specifier_qualifier_list struct_declarator_list semicolon
;; ;
;; specifier_qualifier_list: type_specifier
;; | type_qualifier
;; | type_specifier specifier_qualifier_list
;; | type_qualifier specifier_qualifier_list
;; ;
;; struct_declarator_list: struct_declarator
;; | struct_declarator_list comma struct_declarator
;; ;
;; struct_declarator: declarator
;; | COLON constant_expression { ; }
;; | declarator COLON constant_expression
;; ;
;; enum_specifier: ENUM Identifier lbrace enumerator_list rbrace { ; }
;; | ENUM lbrace enumerator_list rbrace { ; }
;; | ENUM Identifier { ; }
;; ;
;; enumerator_list: enumerator
;; | enumerator_list comma enumerator
;; ;
;; enumerator: Identifier
;; | Identifier EQ constant_expression
;; ;
(direct-declarator) : $1
;;(pointer direct-declarator)
(Identifier) : $1
;; (lparen declarator rparen)
;; (direct-declarator lbracket rbracket)
;; (direct-declarator lbracket constant-expression rbracket)
;; (lbracket constant-expression rbracket)
;; (direct-declarator lparen parameter-type-list rparen)
(direct-declarator lparen rparen) : $1
;; (direct-declarator lparen identifier-list rparen)
;; pointer: STAR { ; }
;; | STAR pointer { ; }
;; | STAR type_qualifier_list { ; }
;; | STAR type_qualifier_list pointer { ; }
;; ;
;; type_qualifier_list: type_qualifier
;; | type_qualifier_list type_qualifier
;; ;
;; parameter_type_list: parameter_list
;; | parameter_list comma ELLIPSIS
;; ;
;; parameter_list: parameter_declaration
;; | parameter_list comma parameter_declaration
;; ;
;; parameter_declaration:
;; declaration_specifiers declarator
;; | declaration_specifiers
;; | declaration_specifiers abstract_declarator
;; ;
;; identifier_list: Identifier
;; | identifier_list comma Identifier
;; | error { yyerror("identifier list error"); }
;; ;
;; initializer: assignment_expression %prec comma
;; | lbrace initializer_list rbrace { ; }
;; | lbrace initializer_list comma rbrace { ; }
;; ;
;; initializer_list: initializer %prec comma
;; | initializer_list comma initializer
;; ;
;; type_name: specifier_qualifier_list
;; | specifier_qualifier_list abstract_declarator
;; ;
;; abstract_declarator: pointer
;; | direct_abstract_declarator
;; | pointer direct_abstract_declarator
;; ;
;; direct_abstract_declarator:
;; lparen abstract_declarator rparen { ; }
;; | lbrace rbrace { ; }
;; | direct_abstract_declarator lbrace rbrace
;; | lbrace constant_expression rbrace { ; }
;; | direct_abstract_declarator lbrace constant_expression rbrace
;; | lparen rparen { ; }
;; | direct_abstract_declarator lparen rparen
;; | lparen parameter_list rparen { ; }
;; | direct_abstract_declarator lparen parameter_list rparen
;; ;
(expression-statement) : $1
(compound-statement) : $1
(jump-statement) : $1
(semicolon) : '()
(error semicolon) : (begin (syntax-error "statement error" @1 $1) '())
(error rbrace) : (begin (syntax-error "statement error" @1 $1) '()))
;; labeled_statement:
;; Identifier COLON statement
;; | CASE x COLON statement { ; }
;; | DEFAULT COLON statement { ; }
;; ;
(x semicolon) : $1)
(lbrace rbrace) : '(compound)
(lbrace declaration-list rbrace) : `(compound ,@$2)
(lbrace statement-list rbrace) : `(compound ,@$2)
(lbrace declaration-list statement-list rbrace) : `(compound ,@$2 ,$3))
(statement) : `(,$1)
(statement-list statement) : `(,@$1 ,$2))
;; selection_statement:
;; IF lparen x rparen statement { ; }
;; | IF lparen x rparen statement ELSE statement { ; }
;; | SWITCH lparen x rparen statement { ; }
;; ;
;; iteration_statement:
;; WHILE lparen x rparen statement { ; }
;; | DO statement WHILE lparen x rparen semicolon { ; }
;; | FOR lparen forcntrl rparen statement { ; }
;; ;
;; forcntrl: semicolon semicolon { ; }
;; | semicolon semicolon x { ; }
;; | semicolon x semicolon { ; }
;; | semicolon x semicolon x { ; }
;; | x semicolon semicolon
;; | x semicolon semicolon x
;; | x semicolon x semicolon
;; | x semicolon x semicolon x
;; ;
(goto Identifier semicolon) : `(goto ,$1)
(continue semicolon) : '(continue)
(break semicolon) : '(break)
(return semicolon) : '(return)
(return x semicolon) : `(return ,$2))
(assignment-expression) : $1
(x comma assignment-expression) : `($1 ,@$2))
;;(primary-expression) : $1
(postfix-expression) : $1
(unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression) : `(,$2 ,$1 ,$3))
(=) : $1)
;; EQ { ; }
;; | PLUSEQ { ; }
;; | MINUSEQ { ; }
;; | MUEQ { ; }
;; | DIVEQ { ; }
;; | MODEQ { ; }
;; | SLEQ { ; }
;; | SREQ { ; }
;; | ANEQ { ; }
;; | OREQ { ; }
;; | XOREQ { ; }
;; ;
;; conditional_expression: logical_or_expression
;; | logical_or_expression IF_THEN x COLON conditional_expression
;; ;
;; constant_expression: conditional_expression
;; ;
;; logical_or_expression: logical_and_expression
;; | logical_or_expression OROR logical_and_expression
;; ;
;; logical_and_expression: inclusive_or_expression
;; | logical_and_expression ANDAND inclusive_or_expression
;; ;
;; inclusive_or_expression: exclusive_or_expression
;; | inclusive_or_expression OR exclusive_or_expression
;; ;
;; exclusive_or_expression: and_expression
;; | exclusive_or_expression XOR and_expression
;; ;
;; and_expression: equality_expression
;; | and_expression AND equality_expression
;; ;
;; equality_expression: relational_expression
;; | equality_expression EQEQ relational_expression
;; | equality_expression NOTEQ relational_expression
;; ;
;; relational_expression: shift_expression
;; | relational_expression LT shift_expression
;; | relational_expression LE shift_expression
;; | relational_expression GT shift_expression
;; | relational_expression GE shift_expression
;; ;
;; shift_expression: additive_expression
;; | shift_expression LTLT additive_expression
;; | shift_expression GTGT additive_expression
;; ;
;; additive_expression: multiplicative_expression
;; | additive_expression PLUS multiplicative_expression
;; | additive_expression MINUS multiplicative_expression
;; ;
;; multiplicative_expression: cast_expression
;; | multiplicative_expression STAR cast_expression
;; | multiplicative_expression DIV cast_expression
;; | multiplicative_expression MOD cast_expression
;; ;
;; cast_expression: unary_expression
;; | lparen type_name rparen cast_expression { ; }
;; ;
(postfix-expression) : $1
;; unary_expression: postfix_expression
;; | INCOP unary_expression { ; }
;; | DECOP unary_expression { ; }
;; | SIZEOF unary_expression { ; }
;; | SIZEOF lparen type_name rparen %prec SIZEOF { ; }
;; | STAR cast_expression { ; }
;; | AND cast_expression { ; }
;; | MINUS cast_expression { ; }
;; | PLUS cast_expression { ; }
;; | NEG cast_expression { ; }
;; | NOT cast_expression { ; }
;; ;
(primary-expression) : $1
(postfix-expression lparen rparen) : `(call ,$1 (arguments))
(postfix-expression lparen argument-expression-list rparen) : `(call ,$1 ,$3))
;; postfix_expression: primary_expression
;; | postfix_expression lbracket x rbracket
;; | postfix_expression lparen rparen
;; | postfix_expression lparen argument_expression_list rparen
;; | postfix_expression FOLLOW Identifier
;; | postfix_expression DOT Identifier
;; | postfix_expression INCOP
;; | postfix_expression DECOP
;; ;
(Identifier): $1
(NumericLiteral) : $1
(StringLiteral) : $1
;; primary_expression: Identifier
;; lparen x rparen
(assignment-expression) : `(arguments ,$1)
(argument-expression-list comma assignment-expression): `(,@$1 ,@(cdr $2)))))
(define (i386:puts data)
#xba #x0e #x00 #x00 #x00 ;; mov $0xe,%edx
#xb9 ,@(int->bv32 data) ;; mov $data,%ecx
#xbb #x01 #x00 #x00 #x00 ;; mov $0x1,%ebx
#xb8 #x04 #x00 #x00 #x00 ;; mov $0x4,%eax
#xcd #x80 ;; int $0x80
(define (i386:exit code)
#xbb ,@(int->bv32 code) ;; mov $code,%ebx
#xb8 #x01 #x00 #x00 #x00 ;; mov $0x1,%eax
#xcd #x80 ;; int $0x80
(define (i386:puts data length)
#xba ,@(int->bv32 length) ;; mov $length,%edx
#xb9 ,@(int->bv32 data) ;; mov $data,%ecx
#xbb #x01 #x00 #x00 #x00 ;; mov $0x1,%ebx
#xb8 #x04 #x00 #x00 #x00 ;; mov $0x4,%eax
#xcd #x80 ;; int $0x80
(define mescc
(let ((errorp
(lambda args
(for-each display args)
(lambda ()
(c-parser (c-lexer errorp) errorp))))
(define (write-any x) (write-char (if (char? x) x (integer->char x))))
(define (ast:function? o)
(and (pair? o) (eq? (car o) 'function)))
(define (.name o)
(cadr o))
;; (define (.statement o)
;; (match o
;; (('function name signature statement) statement)
;; (_ #f)))
;; (define (statement->data o)
;; (match o
;; (('call 'puts ('arguments string)) (string->list string))
;; (_ '())))
;; (define (statement->text o)
;; (match o
;; (('call 'puts ('arguments string)) (list (lambda (data) (i386:puts data (string-length string)))))
;; (('return code) (list (lambda (data) (i386:exit code))))
;; (_ '())))
(define (.statement o)
(and (pair? o)
(eq? (car o) 'function)
(cadddr o)))
(define (statement->data o)
(or (and (pair? o)
(eq? (car o) 'call)
(string->list (cadr (caddr o))))
(define (statement->text data o)
((and (pair? o) (eq? (car o) 'call))
(let ((string (cadr (caddr o)))
(offset (length data)))
(list (lambda (data) (i386:puts (+ data offset) (string-length string))))))
((and (pair? o) (eq? (car o) 'return))
(list (lambda (data) (i386:exit (cadr o)))))
(else '())))
(let* ((ast (mescc))
(functions (filter ast:function? (cdr ast)))
(main (find (lambda (x) (eq? (.name x) 'main)) functions))
(statements (cdr (.statement main))))
(display "program: " (current-error-port))
(display ast (current-error-port))
(newline (current-error-port))
(let loop ((statements statements) (text '()) (data '()))
(display "text:" (current-error-port))
(display text (current-error-port))
(newline (current-error-port))
(if (null? statements)
(map write-any (make-elf (lambda (data)
(append-map (lambda (f) (f data)) text)) data))
(let* ((statement (car statements)))
(display "statement:" (current-error-port))
(display statement (current-error-port))
(newline (current-error-port))
(loop (cdr statements)
(append text (statement->text data statement))
(append data (statement->data statement)))))))