;; ./mach.d/c99act.scm ;; Copyright 2016,2017 Matthew R. Wette ;; ;; This software is covered by the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE, Version 3, ;; or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. See ;; the file COPYING included with the this distribution. (define act-v (vector ;; $start => translation-unit-proxy (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; translation-unit-proxy => translation-unit (lambda ($1 . $rest) (tl->list $1)) ;; primary-expression => identifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(p-expr ,$1)) ;; primary-expression => constant (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(p-expr ,$1)) ;; primary-expression => string-literal (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(p-expr ,(tl->list $1))) ;; primary-expression => "(" expression ")" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) $2) ;; postfix-expression => primary-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; postfix-expression => postfix-expression "[" expression "]" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-ref ,$3 ,$1)) ;; postfix-expression => postfix-expression "(" argument-expression-list... (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(fctn-call ,$1 ,(tl->list $3))) ;; postfix-expression => postfix-expression "(" ")" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(fctn-call ,$1 (expr-list))) ;; postfix-expression => postfix-expression "." identifier (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(d-sel ,$3 ,$1)) ;; postfix-expression => postfix-expression "->" identifier (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(i-sel ,$3 ,$1)) ;; postfix-expression => postfix-expression "++" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(post-inc ,$1)) ;; postfix-expression => postfix-expression "--" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(post-dec ,$1)) ;; postfix-expression => "(" type-name ")" "{" initializer-list "}" (lambda ($6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(comp-lit ,$2 ,(tl->list $5))) ;; postfix-expression => "(" type-name ")" "{" initializer-list "," "}" (lambda ($7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(comp-lit ,$2 ,(tl->list $5))) ;; argument-expression-list => assignment-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'expr-list $1)) ;; argument-expression-list => argument-expression-list "," assignment-e... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3)) ;; argument-expression-list => arg-expr-hack (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'expr-list $1)) ;; argument-expression-list => argument-expression-list "," arg-expr-hack (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3)) ;; arg-expr-hack => declaration-specifiers abstract-declarator (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1) $2)) ;; arg-expr-hack => declaration-specifiers (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1))) ;; unary-expression => postfix-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; unary-expression => "++" unary-expression (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(pre-inc ,$2)) ;; unary-expression => "--" unary-expression (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(pre-dec ,$2)) ;; unary-expression => unary-operator cast-expression (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (list $1 $2)) ;; unary-expression => "sizeof" unary-expression (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(sizeof-expr ,$2)) ;; unary-expression => "sizeof" "(" type-name ")" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(sizeof-type ,$3)) ;; unary-operator => "&" (lambda ($1 . $rest) 'ref-to) ;; unary-operator => "*" (lambda ($1 . $rest) 'de-ref) ;; unary-operator => "+" (lambda ($1 . $rest) 'pos) ;; unary-operator => "-" (lambda ($1 . $rest) 'neg) ;; unary-operator => "~" (lambda ($1 . $rest) 'bitwise-not) ;; unary-operator => "!" (lambda ($1 . $rest) 'not) ;; cast-expression => unary-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; cast-expression => "(" type-name ")" cast-expression (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(cast ,$2 ,$4)) ;; multiplicative-expression => cast-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; multiplicative-expression => multiplicative-expression "*" cast-expre... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(mul ,$1 ,$3)) ;; multiplicative-expression => multiplicative-expression "/" cast-expre... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(div ,$1 ,$3)) ;; multiplicative-expression => multiplicative-expression "%" cast-expre... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(mod ,$1 ,$3)) ;; additive-expression => multiplicative-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; additive-expression => additive-expression "+" multiplicative-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(add ,$1 ,$3)) ;; additive-expression => additive-expression "-" multiplicative-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(sub ,$1 ,$3)) ;; shift-expression => additive-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; shift-expression => shift-expression "<<" additive-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(lshift ,$1 ,$3)) ;; shift-expression => shift-expression ">>" additive-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(rshift ,$1 ,$3)) ;; relational-expression => shift-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; relational-expression => relational-expression "<" shift-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(lt ,$1 ,$3)) ;; relational-expression => relational-expression ">" shift-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(gt ,$1 ,$3)) ;; relational-expression => relational-expression "<=" shift-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(le ,$1 ,$3)) ;; relational-expression => relational-expression ">=" shift-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(ge ,$1 ,$3)) ;; equality-expression => relational-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; equality-expression => equality-expression "==" relational-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(eq ,$1 ,$3)) ;; equality-expression => equality-expression "!=" relational-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(ne ,$1 ,$3)) ;; bitwise-and-expression => equality-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; bitwise-and-expression => bitwise-and-expression "&" equality-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(bitwise-and ,$1 ,$3)) ;; bitwise-xor-expression => bitwise-and-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; bitwise-xor-expression => bitwise-xor-expression "^" bitwise-and-expr... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(bitwise-xor ,$1 ,$3)) ;; bitwise-or-expression => bitwise-xor-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; bitwise-or-expression => bitwise-or-expression "|" bitwise-xor-expres... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(bitwise-or ,$1 ,$3)) ;; logical-and-expression => bitwise-or-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; logical-and-expression => logical-and-expression "&&" bitwise-or-expr... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(and ,$1 ,$3)) ;; logical-or-expression => logical-and-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; logical-or-expression => logical-or-expression "||" logical-and-expre... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(or ,$1 ,$3)) ;; conditional-expression => logical-or-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; conditional-expression => logical-or-expression "?" expression ":" co... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(cond-expr ,$1 ,$3 ,$5)) ;; assignment-expression => conditional-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-expression => unary-expression assignment-operator assignm... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(assn-expr ,$1 (op ,$2) ,$3)) ;; assignment-operator => "=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "+=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "-=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "*=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "/=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "%=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "<<=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => ">>=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "&=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "^=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; assignment-operator => "|=" (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; expression => assignment-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; expression => expression "," assignment-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (if (eqv? 'comma-expr (sx-tag $1)) (append $1 (list $3)) `(comma-expr ,$1 ,$3))) ;; constant-expression => conditional-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; declaration => declaration-specifiers init-declarator-list $P1 ";" op... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) (if (pair? $5) (append $3 (list $5)) $3)) ;; declaration => declaration-specifiers ";" opt-code-comment (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (if (pair? $3) `(decl ,(tl->list $1) ,(list $3)) `(decl ,(tl->list $1)))) ;; $P1 => (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (save-typenames `(decl ,(tl->list $1) ,(tl->list $2)))) ;; declaration-specifiers => storage-class-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)) ;; declaration-specifiers => storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-insert $2 $1)) ;; declaration-specifiers => type-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)) ;; declaration-specifiers => type-specifier declaration-specifiers (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-insert $2 $1)) ;; declaration-specifiers => type-qualifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)) ;; declaration-specifiers => type-qualifier declaration-specifiers (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-insert $2 $1)) ;; declaration-specifiers => function-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)) ;; declaration-specifiers => function-specifier declaration-specifiers (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-insert $2 $1)) ;; init-declarator-list => init-declarator (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'init-declr-list $1)) ;; init-declarator-list => init-declarator-list "," init-declarator (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3)) ;; init-declarator => declarator (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(init-declr ,$1)) ;; init-declarator => declarator "=" initializer (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(init-declr ,$1 ,$3)) ;; storage-class-specifier => "auto" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(stor-spec (auto))) ;; storage-class-specifier => "extern" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(stor-spec (extern))) ;; storage-class-specifier => "register" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(stor-spec (register))) ;; storage-class-specifier => "static" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(stor-spec (static))) ;; storage-class-specifier => "typedef" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(stor-spec (typedef))) ;; type-specifier => "void" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(type-spec (void))) ;; type-specifier => fixed-type-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-spec ,$1)) ;; type-specifier => float-type-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-spec ,$1)) ;; type-specifier => "_Bool" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(type-spec (fixed-type "_Bool"))) ;; type-specifier => complex-type-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-spec ,$1)) ;; type-specifier => struct-or-union-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-spec ,$1)) ;; type-specifier => enum-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-spec ,$1)) ;; type-specifier => typedef-name (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-spec ,$1)) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "short" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "short")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "short" "int" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "short int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" "short" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed short")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" "short" "int" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed short int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "int" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" "int" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "long" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "long")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "long" "int" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "long int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" "long" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed long")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" "long" "int" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed long int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "long" "long" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "long long")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "long" "long" "int" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "long long int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" "long" "long" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed long long")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" "long" "long" "int" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed long long int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" "short" "int" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned short int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" "short" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned short")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" "int" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" "long" "int" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned long")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" "long" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned long")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" "long" "long" "int" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned long long int")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" "long" "long" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned long long")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "char" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "char")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "signed" "char" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "signed char")) ;; fixed-type-specifier => "unsigned" "char" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(fixed-type "unsigned char")) ;; float-type-specifier => "float" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(float-type "float")) ;; float-type-specifier => "double" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(float-type "double")) ;; float-type-specifier => "long" "double" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(float-type "long double")) ;; complex-type-specifier => "_Complex" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(complex-type "_Complex")) ;; complex-type-specifier => "float" "_Complex" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(complex-type "float _Complex")) ;; complex-type-specifier => "double" "_Complex" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(complex-type "double _Complex")) ;; complex-type-specifier => "long" "double" "_Complex" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(complex-type "long double _Complex")) ;; struct-or-union-specifier => "struct" ident-like "{" struct-declarati... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(struct-def ,$2 ,(tl->list $4))) ;; struct-or-union-specifier => "struct" "{" struct-declaration-list "}" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(struct-def ,(tl->list $3))) ;; struct-or-union-specifier => "struct" ident-like (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(struct-ref ,$2)) ;; struct-or-union-specifier => "union" ident-like "{" struct-declaratio... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(union-def ,$2 ,(tl->list $4))) ;; struct-or-union-specifier => "union" "{" struct-declaration-list "}" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(union-def ,(tl->list $3))) ;; struct-or-union-specifier => "union" ident-like (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(union-ref ,$2)) ;; ident-like => identifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; ident-like => typedef-name (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(ident ,(cdr $1))) ;; struct-declaration-list => struct-declaration (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'field-list $1)) ;; struct-declaration-list => lone-comment (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'field-list $1)) ;; struct-declaration-list => struct-declaration-list struct-declaration (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $2)) ;; struct-declaration-list => struct-declaration-list lone-comment (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $2)) ;; struct-declaration => specifier-qualifier-list struct-declarator-list... (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) (if (pair? $4) `(comp-decl ,(tl->list $1) ,(tl->list $2) ,$4) `(comp-decl ,(tl->list $1) ,(tl->list $2)))) ;; specifier-qualifier-list => type-specifier specifier-qualifier-list (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-insert $2 $1)) ;; specifier-qualifier-list => type-specifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)) ;; specifier-qualifier-list => type-qualifier specifier-qualifier-list (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-insert $2 $1)) ;; specifier-qualifier-list => type-qualifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)) ;; struct-declarator-list => struct-declarator (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'comp-declr-list $1)) ;; struct-declarator-list => struct-declarator-list "," struct-declarator (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3)) ;; struct-declarator => declarator (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(comp-declr ,$1)) ;; struct-declarator => declarator ":" constant-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(comp-declr (bit-field ,$1 ,$3))) ;; struct-declarator => ":" constant-expression (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(comp-declr (bit-field ,$2))) ;; enum-specifier => "enum" ident-like "{" enumerator-list "}" (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(enum-def ,$2 ,(tl->list $4))) ;; enum-specifier => "enum" ident-like "{" enumerator-list "," "}" (lambda ($6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(enum-def ,$2 ,(tl->list $4))) ;; enum-specifier => "enum" "{" enumerator-list "}" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(enum-def ,(tl->list $3))) ;; enum-specifier => "enum" "{" enumerator-list "," "}" (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(enum-def ,(tl->list $3))) ;; enum-specifier => "enum" ident-like (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(enum-ref ,$2)) ;; enumerator-list => enumerator (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'enum-def-list $1)) ;; enumerator-list => enumerator-list "," enumerator (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3)) ;; enumerator => identifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(enum-defn ,$1)) ;; enumerator => identifier "=" constant-expression (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(enum-defn ,$1 ,$3)) ;; type-qualifier => "const" (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-qual ,$1)) ;; type-qualifier => "volatile" (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-qual ,$1)) ;; type-qualifier => "restrict" (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-qual ,$1)) ;; function-specifier => "inline" (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(fctn-spec ,$1)) ;; declarator => pointer direct-declarator (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(ptr-declr ,$1 ,$2)) ;; declarator => direct-declarator (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; direct-declarator => identifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; direct-declarator => "(" declarator ")" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(scope ,$2)) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "[" type-qualifier-list assign... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-of ,$1 ,$3 ,$4)) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "[" type-qualifier-list "]" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-of ,$1 ,$3)) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "[" assignment-expression "]" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-of ,$1 ,$3)) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "[" "]" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-of ,$1)) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "[" "static" type-qualifier-li... (lambda ($6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-of ,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $4)) ,$5)) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "[" type-qualifier-list "stati... (lambda ($6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-of ,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $3)) ,$5)) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "[" type-qualifier-list "*" "]" (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-of ,$1 ,$3 (var-len))) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "[" "*" "]" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(array-of ,$1 (var-len))) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "(" parameter-type-list ")" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(ftn-declr ,$1 ,(tl->list $3))) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "(" identifier-list ")" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(ftn-declr ,$1 ,(tl->list $3))) ;; direct-declarator => direct-declarator "(" ")" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(ftn-declr ,$1 (param-list))) ;; pointer => "*" type-qualifier-list (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(pointer ,(tl->list $2))) ;; pointer => "*" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(pointer)) ;; pointer => "*" type-qualifier-list pointer (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(pointer ,(tl->list $2) ,$3)) ;; pointer => "*" pointer (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(pointer ,$2)) ;; type-qualifier-list => type-qualifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)) ;; type-qualifier-list => type-qualifier-list type-qualifier (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $2)) ;; parameter-type-list => parameter-list (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; parameter-type-list => parameter-list "," "..." (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 '(ellipsis))) ;; parameter-list => parameter-declaration (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'param-list $1)) ;; parameter-list => parameter-list "," parameter-declaration (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3)) ;; parameter-declaration => declaration-specifiers declarator (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1) (param-declr ,$2))) ;; parameter-declaration => declaration-specifiers abstract-declarator (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1) (param-declr ,$2))) ;; parameter-declaration => declaration-specifiers (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1))) ;; identifier-list => identifier (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'ident-list $1)) ;; identifier-list => identifier-list "," identifier (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3)) ;; type-name => specifier-qualifier-list abstract-declarator (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(type-name ,(tl->list $1) ,$2)) ;; type-name => declaration-specifiers (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(type-name ,(tl->list $1))) ;; abstract-declarator => pointer (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(abs-declr ,$1)) ;; abstract-declarator => pointer direct-abstract-declarator (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(abs-declr ,$1 ,$2)) ;; abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(abs-declr ,$1)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "(" abstract-declarator ")" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-scope ,$2)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "[" type-qua... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-array ,$3 ,$4)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "[" type-qua... (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-array ,$1 ,$3)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "[" assignme... (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-array ,$1 ,$3)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "[" "]" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-array ,$1)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "[" "static"... (lambda ($6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-array ,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $4)) ,$5)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "[" "static"... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-array ,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $4)))) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "[" type-qua... (lambda ($6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-array ,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $3)) ,$5)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "[" type-qualifier-list assignment-expr... (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-anon-array ,$2 ,$3)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "[" type-qualifier-list "]" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-anon-array ,$2)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "[" assignment-expression "]" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-anon-array ,$2)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "[" "]" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-anon-array)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "[" "static" type-qualifier-list assign... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-anon-array ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $3)) ,$4)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "[" "static" type-qualifier-list "]" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-anon-array ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $3)))) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "[" type-qualifier-list "static" assign... (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-anon-array ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $2)) ,$4)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "[" "*" "]" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-STAR ,$1)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "[" "*" "]" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) '(declr-STAR)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "(" paramete... (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-fctn ,$1 ,(tl->list $3))) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => direct-abstract-declarator "(" ")" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-fctn ,$1)) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "(" parameter-type-list ")" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(declr-anon-fctn ,(tl->list $2))) ;; direct-abstract-declarator => "(" ")" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(declr-anon-fctn)) ;; typedef-name => 'typename (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(typename ,$1)) ;; initializer => assignment-expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(initzer ,$1)) ;; initializer => "{" initializer-list "}" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(initzer ,(tl->list $2))) ;; initializer => "{" initializer-list "," "}" (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(initzer ,(tl->list $2))) ;; initializer-list => designation initializer (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (make-tl 'initzer-list $1 $2)) ;; initializer-list => initializer (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'initzer-list $1)) ;; initializer-list => initializer-list "," designation initializer (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3 $4)) ;; initializer-list => initializer-list "," initializer (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $3)) ;; designation => designator-list "=" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(desig ,$1)) ;; designator-list => designator (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'desgr-list $1)) ;; designator-list => designator-list designator (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $2)) ;; designator => "[" constant-expression "]" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) (list 'array-dsgr $2)) ;; designator => "." identifier (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (list 'sel-dsgr $2)) ;; statement => $P2 statement-1 (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) $2) ;; $P2 => (lambda $rest (cpp-ok!)) ;; statement-1 => labeled-statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; statement-1 => compound-statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; statement-1 => expression-statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; statement-1 => selection-statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; statement-1 => iteration-statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; statement-1 => jump-statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; statement-1 => cpp-statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; labeled-statement => identifier ":" statement (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(labeled-stmt ,$1 ,$3)) ;; labeled-statement => "case" constant-expression ":" statement (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(case ,$2 ,$4)) ;; labeled-statement => "default" ":" statement (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(default ,$3)) ;; compound-statement => "{" block-item-list "}" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(compd-stmt ,(tl->list $2))) ;; compound-statement => "{" "}" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(compd-stmt (block-item-list))) ;; block-item-list => block-item (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'block-item-list $1)) ;; block-item-list => block-item-list block-item (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $2)) ;; block-item => declaration (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; block-item => statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; expression-statement => expression ";" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(expr-stmt ,$1)) ;; expression-statement => ";" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(expr-stmt)) ;; selection-statement => "if" "(" expression ")" statement (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(if ,$3 ,$5)) ;; selection-statement => "if" "(" expression ")" statement "else" state... (lambda ($7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(if ,$3 ,$5 ,$7)) ;; selection-statement => "switch" "(" expression ")" statement (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(switch ,$3 ,$5)) ;; iteration-statement => "while" "(" expression ")" statement (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(while ,$3 ,$5)) ;; iteration-statement => "do" statement "while" "(" expression ")" ";" (lambda ($7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(do-while ,$2 ,$5)) ;; iteration-statement => "for" "(" initial-clause opt-expression ";" op... (lambda ($8 $7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(for ,$3 ,$4 ,$6 ,$8)) ;; initial-clause => expression ";" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) $1) ;; initial-clause => ";" (lambda ($1 . $rest) '(expr)) ;; initial-clause => declaration (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; opt-expression => (lambda $rest '(expr)) ;; opt-expression => expression (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; jump-statement => "goto" identifier ";" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(goto $2)) ;; jump-statement => "continue" ";" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(continue)) ;; jump-statement => "break" ";" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) '(break)) ;; jump-statement => "return" expression ";" (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(return ,$2)) ;; jump-statement => "return" ";" (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) `(return (expr))) ;; translation-unit => external-declaration (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'trans-unit $1)) ;; translation-unit => translation-unit external-declaration (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (if (eqv? (sx-tag $2) 'extern-block) (tl-extend $1 (sx-tail $2)) (tl-append $1 $2))) ;; external-declaration => $P3 external-declaration-1 (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) $2) ;; $P3 => (lambda $rest (cpp-ok!)) ;; external-declaration-1 => function-definition (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; external-declaration-1 => declaration (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; external-declaration-1 => lone-comment (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; external-declaration-1 => cpp-statement (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; external-declaration-1 => "extern" '$string "{" translation-unit "}" (lambda ($5 $4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(extern-block $2 (extern-C-begin) $4 (extern-C-end))) ;; function-definition => declaration-specifiers declarator declaration-... (lambda ($4 $3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(knr-fctn-defn ,(tl->list $1) ,$2 ,(tl->list $3) ,$4)) ;; function-definition => declaration-specifiers declarator compound-sta... (lambda ($3 $2 $1 . $rest) `(fctn-defn ,(tl->list $1) ,$2 ,$3)) ;; declaration-list => declaration (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl $1)) ;; declaration-list => declaration-list declaration (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $2)) ;; opt-code-comment => (lambda $rest (list)) ;; opt-code-comment => code-comment (lambda ($1 . $rest) $1) ;; identifier => '$ident (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(ident ,$1)) ;; identifier => 'cpp-ident (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(ident ,$1)) ;; constant => '$fixed (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(fixed ,$1)) ;; constant => '$float (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(float ,$1)) ;; constant => '$chlit (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(char ,$1)) ;; string-literal => '$string (lambda ($1 . $rest) (make-tl 'string $1)) ;; string-literal => string-literal '$string (lambda ($2 $1 . $rest) (tl-append $1 $2)) ;; code-comment => '$code-comm (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(comment ,$1)) ;; lone-comment => '$lone-comm (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(comment ,$1)) ;; cpp-statement => 'cpp-stmt (lambda ($1 . $rest) `(cpp-stmt ,$1)) )) ;;; end tables