;;; -*-scheme-*- ;;; Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software ;;; Copyright © 2016 Jan Nieuwenhuizen ;;; ;;; test.mes: This file is part of Mes. ;;; ;;; Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with Mes. If not, see . ;; The Maxwell Equations of Software -- John McCarthy page 13 ;; http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/book/LISP%201.5%20Programmers%20Manual.pdf (define result (let ((pass 0) (fail 0)) (lambda (. t) (cond ((null? t) (list pass fail)) ((car t) (display ": pass") (newline) (set! pass (+ pass 1))) (#t (display ": fail") (newline) (set! fail (+ fail 1))))))) (define guile? (defined? 'gc)) (when guile? (module-define! (current-module) 'builtin? (lambda (. x) #t)) (use-modules (srfi srfi-1))) (define (seq? a b) (or (eq? a b) (begin (display ": fail") (newline) (display "expected: ") (display b) (newline) (display "actual: ") (display a) (newline) #f))) (define (sequal? a b) (or (equal? a b) (begin (display ": fail") (newline) (display "expected: ") (display b) (newline) (display "actual: ") (display a) (newline) #f))) (define-macro (pass-if name t) `(let () (display "test: ") (display ,name) (result ,t))) (define-macro (pass-if-not name f) `(let () (display "test: ") (display ,name) (result (not ,f)))) (pass-if "first dummy" #t) (pass-if-not "second dummy" #f) (pass-if "and" (seq? (and 1) 1)) (pass-if "and 2" (seq? (and 1 (= 0 1) #f) #f)) (pass-if "or" (seq? (or) #f)) (pass-if "or 2" (seq? (or 1) 1)) (pass-if "or 3" (seq? (or #f (= 0 1) 3) 3)) (pass-if "let" (seq? (let ((p 5) (q 6)) (+ p q)) 11)) (pass-if "let loop" (sequal? (let loop ((lst '(3 2 1))) (if (null? lst) '() (cons (car lst) (loop (cdr lst))))) '(3 2 1))) (pass-if "quasiquote" (let ((cc 'bb)) (sequal? `(aa bb ,cc) '(aa bb bb)))) (pass-if "let* comments" (seq? (let* ((aa 2) (bb (+ aa 3)) #! boo !# ;;(bb 4) ) bb) 5)) (pass-if "map" (sequal? (map identity '(1 2 3 4)) '(1 2 3 4))) (pass-if "map 2 " (sequal? (map (lambda (i a) (cons i a)) '(1 2 3 4) '(a b c d)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . d)))) (pass-if "for-each" (sequal? (let ((acc '())) (for-each (lambda (x) (set! acc (cons x acc))) '(1 2 3 4)) acc) '(4 3 2 1))) (define xxxa 0) (pass-if "set! " (seq? (begin (set! xxxa 1) xxxa) 1)) (pass-if "set! 2" (seq? (let ((a 0)) (set! a 1) a) 1)) (pass-if "+" (seq? (+ 1 2 3) 6)) (pass-if "*" (seq? (* 3 3 3) 27)) (pass-if "/" (seq? (/ 9 3) 3)) (pass-if "remainder" (seq? (remainder 11 3) 2)) (pass-if "modulo" (seq? (modulo 11 3) 2)) (pass-if "expt" (seq? (expt 2 3) 8)) (pass-if "logior" (seq? (logior 0 1 2 4) 7)) (pass-if "=" (seq? 3 '3)) (pass-if "= 2" (not (= 3 '4))) (pass-if "if" (seq? (if #t 'true) 'true)) (pass-if "if 2" (seq? (if (seq? 0 '0) 'true 'false) 'true)) (pass-if "if 3" (seq? (if (= 1 2) 'true 'false) 'false)) (pass-if "letrec" (seq? (letrec ((factorial (lambda (n) (if (= n 1) 1 (* n (factorial (- n 1))))))) (factorial 4)) 24)) (pass-if "begin" (seq? (begin 'a 'b (+ 1 2)) 3)) (pass-if "string-append" (sequal? (string-append "a" "b" "c") "abc")) (pass-if "eq?" (not (eq? (string-append "a" "b" "c") "abc"))) (pass-if "string-length" (seq? (string-length (string-append "a" "b" "c")) 3)) (pass-if "char" (seq? (char->integer #\A) 65)) (pass-if "char 2" (seq? (char->integer #\101) (char->integer #\A))) (pass-if "char 3" (seq? (integer->char 10) #\newline)) (pass-if "char 4" (seq? (integer->char 32) #\space)) (pass-if "string " (sequal? (string #\a #\space #\s #\t #\r #\i #\n #\g) "a string")) (pass-if "length" (seq? (length '()) 0)) (pass-if "length 2" (seq? (length '(a b c)) 3)) (pass-if "vector?" (vector? #(1 2 c))) (pass-if "vector-length" (seq? (vector-length #(1)) 1)) (pass-if "list->vector" (sequal? (list->vector '(a b c)) #(a b c))) (pass-if "vector" (sequal? #(vector 0 1 2) #(vector 0 1 2))) (when (not guile?) (pass-if "make-vector" (sequal? (make-vector 3) #(*unspecified* *unspecified* *unspecified*)))) (pass-if "make-vector 2" (sequal? (make-vector 3 0) #(0 0 0))) (pass-if "vector-ref" (seq? (vector-ref #(0 1) 1) 1)) (when (not guile?) ;; hmm guile segfaults (pass-if "vector-set" (equal? (let ((v #(0 1))) (vector-set! v 1 'q) v) #(0 q))) (pass-if "vector-set 2" (not (equal? (let ((v #(0 1))) (vector-set! v 1 'q) v) #())))) (pass-if "equal?" (sequal? #(1) #(1))) (pass-if "equal?" (not (equal? #() #(1)))) (pass-if "memq" (sequal? (memq 'a '(a b c)) '(a b c))) (pass-if "memq" (sequal? (memq 'b '(a b c)) '(b c))) (pass-if "memq" (seq? (memq 'd '(a b c)) #f)) (pass-if "member" (sequal? (member '(a) '((a) b c)) '((a) b c))) (pass-if "assq-ref" (seq? (assq-ref '((b . 1) (c . 2)) 'c) 2)) (pass-if "assq-ref 2" (seq? (assq-ref '((b . 1) (c . 2)) 'a) #f)) (pass-if "assq-set!" (sequal? (assq-set! '((b . 1)) 'a 0) '((a . 0) (b . 1)))) (pass-if "assq-set! 2" (sequal? (assq-set! '((a . 0)) 'a 1) '((a . 1)))) (pass-if "assoc" (sequal? (assoc '(a . 0) '((a . 0) (b . 1) ((a . 0) aa))) '((a . 0) aa))) ;; works, but debugging is foo ;; (cond ((defined? 'loop2) ;; (display "mes:values broken after loop2") ;; (newline)) ;; (#t ;; (values 0 1) ;; (display "(values 0 1): ") ;; (display (values 0 1)) ;; (newline) ;; (display "call-with-values ==> 6: ") ;; (display ;; (call-with-values (lambda () (values 1 2 3)) ;; (lambda (a b c) (+ a b c)))) ;; (newline) ;; (display "call-with-values ==> 1: ") ;; (display ((lambda (x) x) (values 1 2 3))) ;; (newline))) (pass-if "builtin?" (builtin? eval)) ;;(pass-if "builtin?" (builtin? cond)) (pass-if "procedure?" (procedure? builtin?)) (pass-if "procedure?" (procedure? procedure?)) (when (not guile?) (pass-if "gensym" (seq? (gensym) 'g0)) (pass-if "gensym" (seq? (gensym) 'g1)) (pass-if "gensym" (seq? (gensym) 'g2))) (pass-if "unquote" (sequal? `,(list 1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3 4))) (pass-if "splice" (sequal? `('boo ,@'(bah baz) 1 2) '((quote boo) bah baz 1 2))) (pass-if "splice" (sequal? `(1 ,@(list 2 3) 4) '(1 2 3 4))) (pass-if "splice" (sequal? (let ((s-r '(2 3))) `(1 ,@s-r 4)) '(1 2 3 4))) (pass-if "unquote" (sequal? `(1 2 '(,(+ 1 2))) '(1 2 '(3)))) (pass-if "when" (seq? (when #t 'true) 'true)) (pass-if "when 2" (seq? (when #f 'true) *unspecified*)) (define b 0) (define x (lambda () b)) (define (x) b) (pass-if "closure" (seq? (x) 0)) (define (c b) (x)) (pass-if "closure 2" (seq? (c 1) 0)) (define (x) (define b 1) (define (y) b) (set! b 0) (list b (let ((b 2)) (y)))) (pass-if "closure 3" (sequal? (x) '(0 0))) (pass-if "closure 4 " (seq? (let () (let ((count (let ((counter 0)) (lambda () counter)))) (count))) 0)) (pass-if "closure 5 " (seq? (let () (define name? 2) (define (foo) (define name? 0) (lambda () name?)) ((foo))) 0)) (pass-if "closure 6 " (seq? (let () (define foo (lambda () (define name? symbol?) (lambda () (name? 'boo)))) ((foo))) #t)) (pass-if "last-pair " (sequal? (last-pair '(1 2 3 4)) '(4))) (pass-if "last-pair 2" (seq? (last-pair '()) '())) ;; (pass-if "circular-list? " ;; (seq? ;; (let ((x (list 1 2 3 4))) ;; (set-cdr! (last-pair x) (cddr x)) ;; (circular-list? x)) ;; #t)) (pass-if "reverse" (sequal? (reverse '(1 2 3)) '(3 2 1))) (pass-if "cond-expand" (sequal? (cond-expand (foobar #f) (mes (display ": pass: *YAY*") 'mes) (guile (display ": pass: *GUILE*") 'mes)) 'mes)) (begin (define *top-begin-a* '*top-begin-a*)) (pass-if "top begin " (seq? (and (defined? '*top-begin-a*) *top-begin-a*) '*top-begin-a*)) (let () (define *top-let-a* '*top-let-a*) #f) (pass-if "top let " (seq? (and (defined? '*top-let-a*) *top-let-a*) #f)) (pass-if "apply identity" (seq? (apply identity '(0)) 0)) (pass-if "apply identity 2" (sequal? (apply identity '((0 1))) '(0 1))) (pass-if "apply append" (sequal? (apply append '((1 2) (3 4))) '(1 2 3 4))) (pass-if "=" (seq? (=) #t)) (pass-if "= 1" (seq? (= 0) #t)) (pass-if "= 2" (seq? (= 0 0) #t)) (pass-if "= 3" (seq? (= 0 0) #t)) (pass-if "= 4" (seq? (= 0 1 0) #f)) (pass-if "<" (seq? (<) #t)) (pass-if "< 1" (seq? (< 0) #t)) (pass-if "< 2" (seq? (< 0 1) #t)) (pass-if "< 3" (seq? (< 1 0) #f)) (pass-if "< 4" (seq? (< 0 1 2) #t)) (pass-if "< 5" (seq? (< 0 2 1) #f)) (pass-if ">" (seq? (>) #t)) (pass-if "> 1" (seq? (> 0) #t)) (pass-if "> 2" (seq? (> 1 0) #t)) (pass-if "> 3" (seq? (> 0 1) #f)) (pass-if "> 4" (seq? (> 2 1 0) #t)) (pass-if "> 5" (seq? (> 1 2 0) #f)) (pass-if ">=" (seq? (>= 3 2 1) #t)) (pass-if ">= 2" (seq? (>= 1 2 3) #f)) (pass-if "<=" (seq? (<= 3 2 1) #f)) (pass-if "<= 2" (seq? (<= 1 2 3) #t)) (pass-if "max" (seq? (max 0) 0)) (pass-if "max 1" (seq? (max 0 1) 1)) (pass-if "max 2" (seq? (max 1 0 2) 2)) (pass-if "min" (seq? (min 0) 0)) (pass-if "min 1" (seq? (min 0 1) 0)) (pass-if "min 2" (seq? (min 1 0 2) 0)) (pass-if "list-ref" (seq? (list-ref '(0 1 2) 1) 1)) (pass-if "do" (sequal? (let ((acc '())) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((>= i 3)) (set! acc (cons i acc))) acc) '(2 1 0))) (pass-if "char-alphabetic?" (seq? (char-alphabetic? #\a) #t)) (pass-if "char-alphabetic? 2" (seq? (char-alphabetic? #\[) #f)) (newline) (display "passed: ") (display (car (result))) (newline) (display "failed: ") (display (cadr (result))) (newline) (display "total: ") (display (apply + (result))) (newline) (exit (cadr (result)))