;;; lang/c99/mach.scm
;;; Copyright (C) 2015,2016 Matthew R. Wette
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see .
;; C parser generator: based on ISO-C99; with comments and CPP statements
(define-module (nyacc lang c99 mach)
#:export (c99-spec c99-mach dev-parse-c dev-parse-c99
gen-c99-files gen-c99x-files)
#:use-module (nyacc lang c99 cpp)
#:use-module (nyacc lang util)
#:use-module (nyacc lalr)
#:use-module (nyacc parse)
#:use-module (nyacc lex)
#:use-module (nyacc util)
#:use-module ((srfi srfi-9) #:select (define-record-type))
#:use-module ((srfi srfi-43) #:select (vector-map))
#:use-module ((sxml xpath) #:select (sxpath))
;; @item c99-spec
;; This variable is the specification a-list for the hacked ISO C99 language.
;; Run this through @code{make-lalr-machine} to get an a-list for the
;; automaton. The grammar is modified to parse CPP statements and comments.
;; The output of the end parser will be a SXML tree (w/o the @code{*TOP*} node.
(define c99-spec
(notice lang-crn-lic)
(prec< 'then "else") ; "then/else" SR-conflict resolution
(prec< 'imp ; "implied type" SR-conflict resolution
"char" "short" "int" "long"
"float" "double" "_Complex")
(start translation-unit-proxy)
(translation-unit-proxy (translation-unit ($$ (tl->list $1))))
;; expressions
(primary-expression ; S 6.5.1
(identifier ($$ `(p-expr ,$1)))
(constant ($$ `(p-expr ,$1)))
(string-literal ($$ `(p-expr ,(tl->list $1))))
("(" expression ")" ($$ $2))
(postfix-expression ; S 6.5.2
(postfix-expression "[" expression "]" ($$ `(array-ref ,$3 ,$1)))
(postfix-expression "(" argument-expression-list ")"
($$ `(fctn-call ,$1 ,(tl->list $3))))
(postfix-expression "(" ")" ($$ `(fctn-call ,$1 (expr-list))))
(postfix-expression "." identifier ($$ `(d-sel ,$3 ,$1)))
(postfix-expression "->" identifier ($$ `(i-sel ,$3 ,$1)))
(postfix-expression "++" ($$ `(post-inc ,$1)))
(postfix-expression "--" ($$ `(post-dec ,$1)))
("(" type-name ")" "{" initializer-list "}"
($$ `(comp-lit ,$2 ,(tl->list $5))))
("(" type-name ")" "{" initializer-list "," "}"
($$ `(comp-lit ,$2 ,(tl->list $5))))
(assignment-expression ($$ (make-tl 'expr-list $1)))
(argument-expression-list "," assignment-expression ($$ (tl-append $1 $3)))
;; The following is a modification to deal with using abstract declarations
;; as arguments to CPP macros (e.g., see offsetof in ).
(arg-expr-hack ($$ (make-tl 'expr-list $1)))
(argument-expression-list "," arg-expr-hack ($$ (tl-append $1 $3)))
abstract-declarator ($$ `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1) $2)))
(declaration-specifiers ($$ `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1)))))
(postfix-expression) ; S 6.5.3
("++" unary-expression ($$ `(pre-inc ,$2)))
("--" unary-expression ($$ `(pre-dec ,$2)))
(unary-operator cast-expression ($$ (list $1 $2)))
("sizeof" unary-expression ($$ `(sizeof-expr ,$2)))
("sizeof" "(" type-name ")" ($$ `(sizeof-type ,$3)))
(unary-operator ("&" ($$ 'ref-to)) ("*" ($$ 'de-ref))
("+" ($$ 'pos)) ("-" ($$ 'neg))
("~" ($$ 'bitwise-not)) ("!" ($$ 'not)))
(cast-expression ; S 6.5.4
("(" type-name ")" cast-expression ($$ `(cast ,$2 ,$4)))
(multiplicative-expression ; S 6.5.5
(multiplicative-expression "*" cast-expression ($$ `(mul ,$1 ,$3)))
(multiplicative-expression "/" cast-expression ($$ `(div ,$1 ,$3)))
(multiplicative-expression "%" cast-expression ($$ `(mod ,$1 ,$3)))
(additive-expression ; S 6.5.6
(additive-expression "+" multiplicative-expression ($$ `(add ,$1 ,$3)))
(additive-expression "-" multiplicative-expression ($$ `(sub ,$1 ,$3)))
(shift-expression ; S 6.5.7
(shift-expression "<<" additive-expression ($$ `(lshift ,$1 ,$3)))
(shift-expression ">>" additive-expression ($$ `(rshift ,$1 ,$3)))
(relational-expression ; S 6.5.8
(relational-expression "<" shift-expression ($$ `(lt ,$1 ,$3)))
(relational-expression ">" shift-expression ($$ `(gt ,$1 ,$3)))
(relational-expression "<=" shift-expression ($$ `(le ,$1 ,$3)))
(relational-expression ">=" shift-expression ($$ `(ge ,$1 ,$3)))
(equality-expression ; S 6.5.9
(equality-expression "==" relational-expression ($$ `(eq ,$1 ,$3)))
(equality-expression "!=" relational-expression ($$ `(ne ,$1 ,$3)))
;; called AND-expression
(bitwise-and-expression ; S 6.5.10
(bitwise-and-expression "&" equality-expression
($$ `(bitwise-and ,$1 ,$3)))
;; called exclusive-OR-expression
(bitwise-xor-expression ; S 6.5.11
(bitwise-xor-expression "^" bitwise-and-expression
($$ `(bitwise-xor ,$1 ,$3)))
;; called inclusive-OR-expression
(bitwise-or-expression ; S 6.5.12
(bitwise-or-expression "|" bitwise-xor-expression
($$ `(bitwise-or ,$1 ,$3)))
(logical-and-expression ; S 6.5.13
(logical-and-expression "&&" bitwise-or-expression
($$ `(and ,$1 ,$3)))
(logical-or-expression ; 6.5.14
(logical-or-expression "||" logical-and-expression
($$ `(or ,$1 ,$3)))
(logical-or-expression "?" expression ":" conditional-expression
($$ `(cond-expr ,$1 ,$3 ,$5)))
(assignment-expression ; S 6.5.16
(unary-expression assignment-operator assignment-expression
($$ `(assn-expr ,$1 (op ,$2) ,$3)))
("=") ("+=") ("-=") ("*=") ("/=") ("%=")
("<<=") (">>=") ("&=") ("^=") ("|="))
(expression ; S 6.5.17
(expression "," assignment-expression
($$ (if (eqv? 'comma-expr (sx-tag $1))
(append $1 (list $3))
`(comma-expr ,$1 ,$3))))
(constant-expression ; S 6.6
;; declarations
($$ (save-typenames `(decl ,(tl->list $1) ,(tl->list $2))))
";" opt-code-comment
($$ (if (pair? $5) (append $3 (list $5)) $3)))
";" opt-code-comment
($$ (if (pair? $3)
`(decl ,(tl->list $1) ,(list $3))
`(decl ,(tl->list $1)))))
(declaration-specifiers ; S 6.7
;; storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers_opt
(storage-class-specifier ($$ (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)))
(storage-class-specifier declaration-specifiers ($$ (tl-insert $2 $1)))
;; type-specifier declaration-specifiers_opt
(type-specifier ($$ (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)))
(type-specifier declaration-specifiers ($$ (tl-insert $2 $1)))
;; type-qualifier declaration-specifiers_opt
(type-qualifier ($$ (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)))
(type-qualifier declaration-specifiers ($$ (tl-insert $2 $1)))
;; function-specifier declaration-specifiers_opt
(function-specifier ($$ (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)))
(function-specifier declaration-specifiers ($$ (tl-insert $2 $1)))
(init-declarator-list ; S 6.7
(init-declarator ($$ (make-tl 'init-declr-list $1)))
(init-declarator-list "," init-declarator ($$ (tl-append $1 $3)))
(init-declarator ; S 6.7
(declarator ($$ `(init-declr ,$1)))
(declarator "=" initializer ($$ `(init-declr ,$1 ,$3)))
(storage-class-specifier ; S 6.7.1
("auto" ($$ '(stor-spec (auto))))
("extern" ($$ '(stor-spec (extern))))
("register" ($$ '(stor-spec (register))))
("static" ($$ '(stor-spec (static))))
("typedef" ($$ '(stor-spec (typedef))))
(type-specifier ; S 6.7.2
("void" ($$ '(type-spec (void))))
(fixed-type-specifier ($$ `(type-spec ,$1))) ; I made this up
(float-type-specifier ($$ `(type-spec ,$1))) ; I made this up
("_Bool" ($$/ref 's5.1.5-01 '(type-spec (fixed-type "_Bool"))))
(complex-type-specifier ($$ `(type-spec ,$1))) ; I made this up
(struct-or-union-specifier ($$ `(type-spec ,$1)))
(enum-specifier ($$ `(type-spec ,$1)))
(typedef-name ($$ `(type-spec ,$1)))
("short" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "short")))
("short" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "short int")))
("signed" "short" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "signed short")))
("signed" "short" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "signed short int")))
("int" ($$ '(fixed-type "int")))
("signed" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "signed")))
("signed" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "signed int")))
("long" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "long")))
("long" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "long int")))
("signed" "long" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "signed long")))
("signed" "long" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "signed long int")))
("long" "long" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "long long")))
("long" "long" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "long long int")))
("signed" "long" "long" ($prec 'imp)
($$ '(fixed-type "signed long long")))
("signed" "long" "long" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "signed long long int")))
("unsigned" "short" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned short int")))
("unsigned" "short" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned short")))
("unsigned" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned int")))
("unsigned" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned")))
("unsigned" "long" "int" ($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned long")))
("unsigned" "long" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned long")))
("unsigned" "long" "long" "int"
($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned long long int")))
("unsigned" "long" "long" ($prec 'imp)
($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned long long")))
("char" ($$ '(fixed-type "char")))
("signed" "char" ($$ '(fixed-type "signed char")))
("unsigned" "char" ($$ '(fixed-type "unsigned char"))))
("float" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(float-type "float")))
("double" ($prec 'imp) ($$ '(float-type "double")))
("long" "double" ($$ '(float-type "long double"))))
("_Complex" ($$ '(complex-type "_Complex")))
("float" "_Complex" ($$ '(complex-type "float _Complex")))
("double" "_Complex" ($$ '(complex-type "double _Complex")))
("long" "double" "_Complex" ($$ '(complex-type "long double _Complex")))
;; This one modified: split out struct-or-union = "struct"|"union"
(struct-or-union-specifier ; S
("struct" ident-like "{" struct-declaration-list "}"
($$ `(struct-def ,$2 ,(tl->list $4))))
("struct" "{" struct-declaration-list "}"
($$ `(struct-def ,(tl->list $3))))
("struct" ident-like ($$ `(struct-ref ,$2)))
("union" ident-like "{" struct-declaration-list "}"
($$ `(union-def ,$2 ,(tl->list $4))))
("union" "{" struct-declaration-list "}"
($$ `(union-def ,(tl->list $3))))
("union" ident-like ($$ `(union-ref ,$2)))
;; because name following struct/union can be indentifier or typeref
(ident-like (identifier) (typedef-name ($$ `(ident ,(cdr $1)))))
;; Calling this field-list in the parse tree.
(struct-declaration-list ; S
(struct-declaration ($$ (make-tl 'field-list $1)))
(lone-comment ($$ (make-tl 'field-list $1)))
(struct-declaration-list struct-declaration ($$ (tl-append $1 $2)))
(struct-declaration-list lone-comment ($$ (tl-append $1 $2)))
(struct-declaration ; S
struct-declarator-list ";" opt-code-comment
($$ (if (pair? $4)
`(comp-decl ,(tl->list $1) ,(tl->list $2) ,$4)
`(comp-decl ,(tl->list $1) ,(tl->list $2)))))
(specifier-qualifier-list ; S
(type-specifier specifier-qualifier-list ($$ (tl-insert $2 $1)))
(type-specifier ($$ (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)))
(type-qualifier specifier-qualifier-list ($$ (tl-insert $2 $1)))
(type-qualifier ($$ (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)))
(struct-declarator-list ; S
(struct-declarator ($$ (make-tl 'comp-declr-list $1)))
(struct-declarator-list "," struct-declarator ($$ (tl-append $1 $3)))
(struct-declarator ; S
(declarator ($$ `(comp-declr ,$1)))
(declarator ":" constant-expression ($$ `(comp-declr (bit-field ,$1 ,$3))))
(":" constant-expression ($$ `(comp-declr (bit-field ,$2))))
(enum-specifier ; S
("enum" identifier "{" enumerator-list "}"
($$ `(enum-def ,$2 ,(tl->list $4))))
("enum" identifier "{" enumerator-list "," "}"
($$ `(enum-def ,$2 ,(tl->list $4))))
("enum" "{" enumerator-list "}" ($$ `(enum-def ,(tl->list $3))))
("enum" "{" enumerator-list "," "}" ($$ `(enum-def ,(tl->list $3))))
("enum" identifier ($$ `(enum-ref ,$2)))
;; keeping old enum-def-list in parse tree
(enumerator-list ; S
(enumerator ($$ (make-tl 'enum-def-list $1)))
(enumerator-list "," enumerator ($$ (tl-append $1 $3)))
;; Had to change enumeration-constant => identifier
(enumerator ; S
(identifier ($$ `(enum-defn ,$1)))
(identifier "=" constant-expression ($$ `(enum-defn ,$1 ,$3)))
("const" ($$ `(type-qual ,$1)))
("volatile" ($$ `(type-qual ,$1)))
("restrict" ($$ `(type-qual ,$1)))
(function-specifier ("inline" ($$ `(fctn-spec ,$1))))
(pointer direct-declarator ($$ `(ptr-declr ,$1 ,$2)))
(identifier ($$ $1))
("(" declarator ")" ($$ `(scope ,$2)))
"[" type-qualifier-list assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(array-of ,$1 ,$3 ,$4)))
(direct-declarator "[" type-qualifier-list "]" ($$ `(array-of ,$1 ,$3)))
(direct-declarator "[" assignment-expression "]" ($$ `(array-of ,$1 ,$3)))
(direct-declarator "[" "]" ($$ `(array-of ,$1)))
"[" "static" type-qualifier-list assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(array-of ,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $4)) ,$5)))
"[" type-qualifier-list "static" assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(array-of ,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $3)) ,$5)))
"[" type-qualifier-list "*" "]" ; variable length array
($$ `(array-of ,$1 ,$3 (var-len))))
"[" "*" "]" ; variable length array
($$ `(array-of ,$1 (var-len))))
(direct-declarator "(" parameter-type-list ")"
($$ `(ftn-declr ,$1 ,(tl->list $3))))
(direct-declarator "(" identifier-list ")"
($$ `(ftn-declr ,$1 ,(tl->list $3))))
(direct-declarator "(" ")" ($$ `(ftn-declr ,$1 (param-list))))
("*" type-qualifier-list ($$ `(pointer ,(tl->list $2))))
("*" ($$ '(pointer)))
("*" type-qualifier-list pointer ($$ `(pointer ,(tl->list $2) ,$3)))
("*" pointer ($$ `(pointer ,$2)))
;; But put in tree as decl-spec-list
(type-qualifier ($$ (make-tl 'decl-spec-list $1)))
(type-qualifier-list type-qualifier ($$ (tl-append $1 $2)))
(parameter-list ($$ $1))
(parameter-list "," "..." ($$ (tl-append $1 '(ellipsis))))
(parameter-declaration ($$ (make-tl 'param-list $1)))
(parameter-list "," parameter-declaration ($$ (tl-append $1 $3)))
(declaration-specifiers declarator
($$ `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1)
(param-declr ,$2))))
(declaration-specifiers abstract-declarator
($$ `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1)
(param-declr ,$2))))
(declaration-specifiers ($$ `(param-decl ,(tl->list $1))))
(identifier ($$ (make-tl 'ident-list $1)))
(identifier-list "," identifier ($$ (tl-append $1 $3)))
(type-name ; S 6.7.6
;; e.g., (foo_t *)
(specifier-qualifier-list abstract-declarator
($$ `(type-name ,(tl->list $1) ,$2)))
;; e.g., (int)
(declaration-specifiers ($$ `(type-name ,(tl->list $1))))
(abstract-declarator ; S 6.7.6
(pointer ($$ `(abs-declr ,$1)))
(pointer direct-abstract-declarator ($$ `(abs-declr ,$1 ,$2)))
(direct-abstract-declarator ($$ `(abs-declr ,$1)))
("(" abstract-declarator ")" ($$ `(declr-scope ,$2)))
"[" type-qualifier-list assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(declr-array ,$3 ,$4)))
"[" type-qualifier-list "]"
($$ `(declr-array ,$1 ,$3)))
"[" assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(declr-array ,$1 ,$3)))
"[" "]" ($$ `(declr-array ,$1)))
"[" "static" type-qualifier-list assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(declr-array
,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $4)) ,$5)))
"[" "static" type-qualifier-list "]"
($$ `(declr-array ,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $4)))))
"[" type-qualifier-list "static" assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(declr-array
,$1 ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $3)) ,$5)))
("[" type-qualifier-list assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(declr-anon-array ,$2 ,$3)))
("[" type-qualifier-list "]" ($$ `(declr-anon-array ,$2)))
("[" assignment-expression "]" ($$ `(declr-anon-array ,$2)))
("[" "]" ($$ `(declr-anon-array)))
("[" "static" type-qualifier-list assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(declr-anon-array
,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $3)) ,$4)))
("[" "static" type-qualifier-list "]"
($$ `(declr-anon-array ,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $3)))))
("[" type-qualifier-list "static" assignment-expression "]"
($$ `(declr-anon-array
,(tl->list (tl-insert '(stor-spec "static") $2)) ,$4)))
(direct-abstract-declarator "[" "*" "]" ($$ `(declr-STAR ,$1)))
("[" "*" "]" ($$ '(declr-STAR)))
(direct-abstract-declarator "(" parameter-type-list ")"
($$ `(declr-fctn ,$1 ,(tl->list $3))))
(direct-abstract-declarator "(" ")" ($$ `(declr-fctn ,$1)))
("(" parameter-type-list ")" ($$ `(declr-anon-fctn ,(tl->list $2))))
("(" ")" ($$ '(declr-anon-fctn)))
;;typedef-name must be hacked w/ the lexical analyzer
(typedef-name ('typename ($$ `(typename ,$1))))
(initializer ; S 6.7.8
(assignment-expression ($$ `(initzer ,$1)))
("{" initializer-list "}" ($$ `(initzer ,(tl->list $2))))
("{" initializer-list "," "}" ($$ `(initzer ,(tl->list $2))))
;; The designation productions are from C99.
(designation initializer ($$ (make-tl 'initzer-list $1 $2)))
(initializer ($$ (make-tl 'initzer-list $1)))
(initializer-list "," designation initializer ($$ (tl-append $1 $3 $4)))
(initializer-list "," initializer ($$ (tl-append $1 $3)))
(designation ; S 6.7.8
(designator-list "=" ($$ `(desig ,$1)))
(designator ($$ (make-tl 'desgr-list $1)))
(designator-list designator ($$ (tl-append $1 $2)))
("[" constant-expression "]" ($$ (list 'array-dsgr $2)))
("." identifier ($$ (list 'sel-dsgr $2)))
;; statements
(identifier ":" statement ($$ `(labeled-stmt ,$1 ,$3)))
("case" constant-expression ":" statement ($$ `(case ,$2 ,$4)))
("default" ":" statement ($$ `(default ,$3)))
("{" block-item-list "}"
($$ `(compd-stmt ,(tl->list $2))))
("{" "}"
($$ `(compd-stmt (block-item-list))))
(block-item ($$ (make-tl 'block-item-list $1)))
(block-item-list block-item ($$ (tl-append $1 $2)))
(expression ";" ($$ `(expr-stmt ,$1)))
(";" ($$ '(expr-stmt)))
("if" "(" expression ")" statement ($prec 'then)
($$ `(if ,$3 ,$5)))
("if" "(" expression ")" statement "else" statement
($$ `(if ,$3 ,$5 ,$7)))
("switch" "(" expression ")" statement ($$ `(switch ,$3 ,$5)))
("while" "(" expression ")" statement ($$ `(while ,$3 ,$5)))
("do" statement "while" "(" expression ")" ";" ($$ `(do-while ,$2 ,$5)))
("for" "(" initial-clause opt-expression ";" opt-expression ")" statement
($$ `(for ,$3 ,$4 ,$6 ,$8)))
(initial-clause ; <= added for convenience
(expression ";")
(";" ($$ '(expr)))
(opt-expression ; <= added for convenience
($empty ($$ '(expr)))
(jump-statement ; S 6.8.6
("goto" identifier ";" ($$ `(goto $2)))
("continue" ";" ($$ '(continue)))
("break" ";" ($$ '(break)))
("return" expression ";" ($$ `(return ,$2)))
("return" ";" ($$ `(return (expr))))
;; external definitions
(external-declaration ($$ (make-tl 'trans-unit $1)))
($$ (cond ((eqv? 'trans-unit (car $2))
(let* ((t1 (tl-append $1 '(extern-C-begin)))
(t2 (tl-extend t1 (cdr $2)))
(t3 (tl-append t2 '(extern-C-end))))
(else (tl-append $1 $2)))))
;; The following is a kludge to deal with @code{extern "C" @{}.
("extern" $string "{" translation-unit "}" ($$ (tl->list $4)))
declarator declaration-list compound-statement
($$ `(knr-fctn-defn ,(tl->list $1) ,$2 ,(tl->list $3) ,$4)))
declarator compound-statement
($$ `(fctn-defn ,(tl->list $1) ,$2 ,$3)))
(declaration ($$ (make-tl $1)))
(declaration-list declaration ($$ (tl-append $1 $2)))
(opt-code-comment () (code-comment))
;;(opt-lone-comment () (lone-comment))
;;(opt-comment () (code-comment) (lone-comment))
;; non-terminal leaves
($ident ($$ `(ident ,$1)))
('cpp-ident ($$ `(ident ,$1))))
($fixed ($$ `(fixed ,$1))) ; integer-constant
($float ($$ `(float ,$1))) ; floating-constant
($chlit ($$ `(char ,$1)))) ; char-constant
($string ($$ (make-tl 'string $1))) ; string-constant
(string-literal $string ($$ (tl-append $1 $2))))
(code-comment ($code-comm ($$ `(comment ,$1))))
(lone-comment ($lone-comm ($$ `(comment ,$1))))
(cpp-statement ('cpp-stmt ($$ `(cpp-stmt ,$1))))
(define c99-mach
(make-lalr-machine c99-spec))))
;;; =====================================
;; The following are needed by the code in pbody.scm.
(define len-v (assq-ref c99-mach 'len-v))
(define pat-v (assq-ref c99-mach 'pat-v))
(define rto-v (assq-ref c99-mach 'rto-v))
(define mtab (assq-ref c99-mach 'mtab))
(define act-v (vector-map
(lambda (ix f) (eval f (current-module)))
(vector-map (lambda (ix actn) (wrap-action actn))
(assq-ref c99-mach 'act-v))))
(include-from-path "nyacc/lang/c99/body.scm")
(define raw-parser (make-lalr-parser c99-mach))
(define (run-parse)
(let ((info (fluid-ref *info*)))
(raw-parser (gen-c-lexer) #:debug (cpi-debug info))))
(define* (dev-parse-c99 #:key
(cpp-defs '()) ; CPP defines
(inc-dirs '()) ; include directories
(td-dict '()) ; typedef dictionary
(mode 'file) ; mode: 'file or 'code
(xdef? #f) ; expand def function: proc name mode
(debug #f)) ; debug
(lambda ()
(let ((info (make-cpi debug cpp-defs (cons "." inc-dirs) td-dict)))
(with-fluid* *info* info
(lambda ()
(raw-parser (gen-c-lexer #:mode mode #:xdef? xdef?)
#:debug debug)))))
(lambda (key fmt . rest)
(apply simple-format (current-error-port) (string-append fmt "\n") rest)
(define dev-parse-c dev-parse-c99)
;;; =====================================
;; @item gen-c99-files [dir] => #t
;; Update or generate the files @quot{c99act.scm} and @quot{c99tab.scm}.
;; These are the tables and actions for the C99 parser.
;; If there are no changes to existing files, no update occurs.
(define (gen-c99-files . rest)
(define (lang-dir path)
(if (pair? rest) (string-append (car rest) "/" path) path))
(define (xtra-dir path)
(lang-dir (string-append "mach.d/" path)))
(write-lalr-actions c99-mach (xtra-dir "c99act.scm.new"))
(write-lalr-tables c99-mach (xtra-dir "c99tab.scm.new"))
(let ((a (move-if-changed (xtra-dir "c99act.scm.new")
(xtra-dir "c99act.scm")))
(b (move-if-changed (xtra-dir "c99tab.scm.new")
(xtra-dir "c99tab.scm"))))
(when (or a b)
(system (string-append "touch " (lang-dir "parser.scm")))
#;(compile-file (lang-dir "parser.scm"))
;; @item gen-c99x-files [dir] => #t
;; Update or generate the files @quot{c99xact.scm} and @quot{c99xtab.scm}.
;; These are the tables and actions for the C99 expression parser.
;; If there are no changes to existing files, no update occurs.
(define (gen-c99x-files . rest)
(define (lang-dir path)
(if (pair? rest) (string-append (car rest) "/" path) path))
(define (xtra-dir path)
(lang-dir (string-append "mach.d/" path)))
(let* ((cexpr-spec (restart-spec c99-mach 'expression))
(cexpr-mach (compact-machine
(make-lalr-machine cexpr-spec)))))
(write-lalr-actions cexpr-mach (xtra-dir "c99xact.scm.new"))
(write-lalr-tables cexpr-mach (xtra-dir "c99xtab.scm.new")))
(let ((a (move-if-changed (xtra-dir "c99xact.scm.new")
(xtra-dir "c99xact.scm")))
(b (move-if-changed (xtra-dir "c99xtab.scm.new")
(xtra-dir "c99xtab.scm"))))
(when (or a b)
(system (string-append "touch " (lang-dir "parser.scm")))
#;(compile-file (lang-dir "xparser.scm"))
;; --- last line ---