Subject: Mes 0.10 released I am pleased to announce the release of Mes 0.10, representing 82 commits over 6 weeks. Mescc now compiles a bootstrappable-modified TinyCC into a mes-tcc that in turn can successfully compile a trivial C program. * About Mes[0] aims to create full source bootstrapping for GuixSD[1] as part of the bootstrappable builds[2] project. It currently consists of a mutual self-hosting [close to Guile-] Scheme interpreter prototype in C and a Nyacc-based C compiler in [Guile] Scheme. This C prototype will be rewritten in stage0[3] M1 assembly (or possibly stage2 slow-LISP, or ...). The Scheme interpreter prototype (mes.c) has a Garbage Collector, a library of loadable Scheme modules-- notably Dominique Boucher's LALR[4], Pre-R6RS portable syntax-case[5] with R7RS ellipsis, Matt Wette's Nyacc[6], Guile's PEG[7] --and test suite just barely enough to support a simple REPL (repl.mes) and simple C-compiler (mescc.mes). The simple C compiler can compile a modified TinyCC[8] that is starting to work! A gcc-compiled tcc is known[9] to compile GCC. Mes is inspired by The Maxwell Equations of Software: LISP-1.5[10] -- John McCarthy page 13, GNU Guix's source/binary packaging transparency and Jeremiah Orians's stage0 ~300 byte self-hosting hex assembler. * Download git clone wget -O mes-0.10.tar.gz Mes runs from the source tree and can also be built, packaged and installed in Guix[SD] by the usual guix package -f guix.scm * Changes in 0.10 since 0.9 ** Core *** 2 new functions logand, lognot. ** Mescc *** Mes now includes M1 sources for full source bootstrapping up to tcc. *** Mescc now depends on Nyacc 0.81.0. *** Mescc now compiles a mes-tcc that compiles a trivial C to a running a.out. *** Mescc now supports several (as used my tinycc) struct by value assignments. *** Mescc now has _start in a separate crt1.c. *** Mescc now supports initializer arithmetic. *** Mescc now supports arrays of struct of arbitrary size. *** Mescc now supports pointer arithmetic. *** Mescc now defines __i386__, __linux__. *** Mescc now supports --*p, ++*p. *** Mescc now supports int foo[bar] = {baz,...}. *** Mescc now supports \x00 in strings in M1. *** Mescc now supports complex enum expressions. Thanks, rain1! *** Mescc now supports short. *** Mescc now supports = foo.baz = bla. *** Mescc now supports foo = bar < baz and comparison permutations. *** Mescc now supports (anonymous) structs in unions. *** Mescc now writes M1 strings if possible. **** 2 improved mlibc functions malloc, realloc. **** 13 new mlibc functions fclose, fgetc, fprintf, fwrite, memcpy, memmove, memset, snprintf, strcat, strchr, strrchr, strtoull, vnsprintf. **** 15 new tinycc-support tests 76-pointer-arithmetic.c, 77-pointer-assign.c, 78-union-struct.c, 79-int-array.c, 7a-struct-char-array.c, 7b-struct-int-array.c, 7c-dynarray.c, 7d-cast-char.c, 7e-struct-array-access.c, 7f-struct-pointer-arithmetic.c, 7g-struct-byte-word-field.c, 7h-struct-assign.c, 7i-struct-struct.c, 7j-strtoull.c, 7k-for-each-elem.c. ** Noteworthy bug fixes *** Mescc has many fixes for[baz], foo[bar].baz with ./-> permutations. *** Many bugs and limitations in mescc have been fixed and removed. Greetings, janneke [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]