#! /bin/sh # Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software # Copyright © 2017,2018 Jan (janneke) Nieuwenhuizen # # This file is part of Mes. # # Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at # your option) any later version. # # Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Mes. If not, see . export BLOOD_ELF GUILE HEX2 M1 MES MESCC export M1FLAGS HEX2FLAGS PREPROCESS LIBC export MES_ARENA MES_PREFIX MES_SEED MES=${MES-src/mes} MESCC=${MESCC-scripts/mescc} GUILE=${GUILE-guile} MES_PREFIX=${MES_PREFIX-.} HEX2=${HEX2-hex2} M1=${M1-M1} BLOOD_ELF=${BLOOD_ELF-blood-elf} MES_SEED=${MES_SEED-../mes-seed} MESCC=${MESCC-$(command -v mescc)} [ -z "$MESCC" ] && MESCC=scripts/mescc MES=${MES-$(command -v mes)} [ -z "$MES" ] && MES=src/mes tests=" t 00-exit-0 01-return-0 02-return-1 03-call 04-call-0 05-call-1 06-call-!1 10-if-0 11-if-1 12-if-== 13-if-!= 14-if-goto 15-if-!f 16-if-t 20-while 21-char[] 22-while-char[] 23-pointer 30-strlen 31-eputs 32-compare 33-and-or 34-pre-post 35-compare-char 36-compare-arithmetic 37-compare-assign 38-compare-call 40-if-else 41-? 42-goto-label 43-for-do-while 44-switch 45-void-call 46-function-static 47-function-expression 48-function-destruct 49-global-static 4a-char-array 50-assert 51-strcmp 52-itoa 53-strcpy 54-argv 60-math 61-array 62-array 63-struct-cell 64-make-cell 65-read 70-printf 71-struct-array 72-typedef-struct-def 73-union 74-multi-line-string 75-struct-union 76-pointer-arithmetic 77-pointer-assign 78-union-struct 79-int-array 7a-struct-char-array 7b-struct-int-array 7c-dynarray 7d-cast-char 7e-struct-array-access 7f-struct-pointer-arithmetic 7g-struct-byte-word-field 7h-struct-assign 7i-struct-struct 7j-strtoull 7k-for-each-elem 7l-struct-any-size-array 7m-struct-char-array-assign 7n-struct-struct-array 7o-struct-pre-post 7p-struct-cast 7q-bit-field 7r-sign-extend 7s-struct-short 80-setjmp 81-qsort 82-define 83-heterogenoous-init 84-struct-field-list 85-sizeof 86-strncpy " broken="$broken 7s-struct-short " set +e expect=$(echo $broken | wc -w) pass=0 fail=0 total=0 LIBC=libc/libc for t in $tests; do if [ -z "${t/[012][0-9]-*/}" ]; then LIBC=lib/mini-libc; elif [ -z "${t/8[0-9]-*/}" ]; then LIBC=lib/libc+tcc; else LIBC=lib/libc; fi sh build-aux/test.sh "scaffold/tests/$t" &> scaffold/tests/"$t".log r=$? total=$((total+1)) if [ $r = 0 ]; then echo $t: [OK] pass=$((pass+1)) else echo $t: [FAIL] fail=$((fail+1)) fi done tests=" 00_assignment 01_comment 02_printf 03_struct 04_for 05_array 06_case 07_function 08_while 09_do_while 10_pointer 11_precedence 12_hashdefine 13_integer_literals 14_if 15_recursion 16_nesting 17_enum 18_include 19_pointer_arithmetic 20_pointer_comparison 21_char_array 22_floating_point 23_type_coercion 24_math_library 25_quicksort 26_character_constants 27_sizeof 28_strings 29_array_address 30_hanoi 31_args 32_led 33_ternary_op 34_array_assignment 35_sizeof 36_array_initialisers 37_sprintf 38_multiple_array_index 39_typedef 40_stdio 41_hashif 42_function_pointer 43_void_param 44_scoped_declarations 45_empty_for 46_grep 47_switch_return 48_nested_break 49_bracket_evaluation 50_logical_second_arg 51_static 52_unnamed_enum 54_goto 55_lshift_type " broken="$broken 18_include 22_floating_point 23_type_coercion 24_math_library 26_character_constants 27_sizeof 28_strings 31_args 34_array_assignment 37_sprintf 39_typedef 40_stdio 42_function_pointer 46_grep 49_bracket_evaluation " #22_floating_point ; float #23_type_coercion ; float #24_math_library ; float #27_sizeof ; float #28_strings ; TODO: strncpy strchr strrchr memset memcpy memcmp #30_hanoi ; fails with GCC #34_array_assignment ; fails with GCC #37_sprintf ; integer formatting unsupported #39_typedef ;unsupported: (decl (decl-spec-list (stor-spec (typedef)) (type-spec (typename "MyFunStruct"))) (init-declr-list (init-declr (ptr-declr (pointer) (ident "MoreFunThanEver"))))) #40_stdio ; f* functions #42_function_pointer ; f* functions #46_grep ; f* functions #49_bracket_evaluation ; float expect=$(echo $broken | wc -w) for t in $tests; do if [ ! -f scaffold/tinycc/"$t.c" ]; then echo ' [SKIP]' continue; fi sh build-aux/test.sh "scaffold/tinycc/$t" &> scaffold/tinycc/"$t".log r=$? total=$((total+1)) if [ $r = 0 ]; then echo $t: [OK] pass=$((pass+1)) else echo $t: [FAIL] fail=$((fail+1)) fi done [ $expect != 0 ] && echo "expect: $expect" [ $fail != 0 ] && echo "failed: $fail" [ $fail -lt $expect ] && echo "solved: $(($expect - $fail))" echo "passed: $pass" echo "total: $total" if [ $fail != 0 -a $fail -gt $expect ]; then echo FAILED: $fail/$total exit 1 elif [ $fail != 0 ]; then echo PASS: $pass/$total else echo PASS: $total fi