;;; Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software ;;; Copyright © 2018 Jan Nieuwenhuizen ;;; ;;; This file is part of Mes. ;;; ;;; Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with Mes. If not, see . (cond-expand (guile) (mes (define (cons* . rest) (if (null? (cdr rest)) (car rest) (cons (car rest) (core:apply cons* (cdr rest) (current-module))))) (define (apply f h . t) (if (null? t) (core:apply f h (current-module)) (apply f (apply cons* (cons h t))))) (define (append . rest) (core:display-error "append rest=") (core:write-error rest) (core:display-error "\n") (if (null? rest) '() (if (null? (cdr rest)) (car rest) (append2 (car rest) (apply append (cdr rest)))))) (define (string->list s) (core:car s)) (define 10) (define (string . lst) (core:make-cell lst 0)) (define (string-append . rest) (apply string (apply append (map string->list rest)))) (define %prefix (getenv "MES_PREFIX")) (define (not x) (if x #f #t)) (define (map1 f lst) (if (null? lst) (list) (cons (f (car lst)) (map1 f (cdr lst))))) (define map map1) (define (list->string lst) (core:make-cell lst 0)) (define %moduledir (if (not %prefix ) "module/" (list->string (append (string->list %prefix) (string->list "/module") ; `module/' gets replaced upon install (string->list "/"))))) (define-macro (load file) (list 'begin (list 'if (list getenv "MES_DEBUG") (list 'begin (list core:display-error ";;; read ") (list core:display-error file) (list core:display-error "\n"))) (list 'primitive-load file))) (define-macro (include-from-path file) (list 'load (list string-append %moduledir file))) (define (string->symbol s) (core:lookup-symbol (core:car s))) (define (symbol->list s) (core:car s)) (define 10) (define (string . lst) (core:make-cell lst 0)) (define (symbol->string s) (apply string (symbol->list s))) (define (getcwd) ".") (define (display x . rest) (if (null? rest) (core:display x) (core:display-port x (car rest)))) )) (define (memq x lst) (if (null? lst) #f (if (eq? x (car lst)) lst (memq x (cdr lst))))) (define (string-join lst infix) (if (null? (cdr lst)) (car lst) (string-append (car lst) infix (string-join (cdr lst) infix)))) (include-from-path "mes/module.mes") (core:display-error module->file) (core:display-error "\n") (define %moduledir (string-append (getcwd) "/")) (mes-use-module (scaffold boot data module)) ;; (mes-use-module (scaffold boot data module))