;;; lang/c99/body.scm
;;; Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Matthew R. Wette
;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;;; (at your option) any later version.
;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;; along with this program. If not, see .
;; Notes on the code design may be found in doc/nyacc/lang/c99-hg.info
;; @section The C99 Parser Body
;; This code provides the front end to the C99 parser, including the lexical
;; analyzer and optional CPP processing. In @code{'file} mode the lex'er
;; passes CPP statements to the parser; in @code{'code} mode the lex'er
;; parses and evaluates the CPP statements. In the case of included files
;; (e.g., via @code{#include }) the include files are parsed if
;; not in @code{inc-help}. The a-list @code{inc-help} maps
;; include file names to typenames (e.g., @code{stdio.h} to @code{FILE}) and
;; CPP defines (e.g., "INT_MAX=12344").
(use-modules ((srfi srfi-9) #:select (define-record-type)))
(use-modules ((sxml xpath) #:select (sxpath)))
(use-modules (ice-9 regex))
(define-record-type cpi
(debug cpi-debug set-cpi-debug!) ; debug #t #f
(defines cpi-defs set-cpi-defs!) ; #defines
(incdirs cpi-incs set-cpi-incs!) ; #includes
(inc-tynd cpi-itynd set-cpi-itynd!) ; a-l of incfile => typenames
(inc-defd cpi-idefd set-cpi-idefd!) ; a-l of incfile => defines
(ptl cpi-ptl set-cpi-ptl!) ; parent typename list
(ctl cpi-ctl set-cpi-ctl!) ; current typename list
;;.@deffn Procedure split-cppdef defstr => ( . )| \
;; (( . )|#f
;; Convert define string to a dict item. Examples:
;; @example
;; "ABC=123" => '("ABC" . "123")
;; "MAX(X,Y)=((X)>(Y)?(X):(Y))" => ("MAX" ("X" "Y") . "((X)>(Y)?(X):(Y))")
;; @end example
;; @end deffn
(define split-cppdef
(let ((rx1 (make-regexp "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\\([^)]*\\)=(.*)$"))
(rx2 (make-regexp "^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)=(.*)$")))
(lambda (defstr)
(let* ((m1 (regexp-exec rx1 defstr))
(m2 (or m1 (regexp-exec rx2 defstr))))
((regexp-exec rx1 defstr) =>
(lambda (m)
(let* ((s1 (match:substring m1 1))
(s2 (match:substring m1 2))
(s3 (match:substring m1 3)))
(cons s1 (cons s2 s3)))))
((regexp-exec rx2 defstr) =>
(lambda (m)
(let* ((s1 (match:substring m2 1))
(s2 (match:substring m2 2)))
(cons s1 s2))))
(else #f))))))
;; @deffn Procedure make-cpi debug defines incdirs inchelp
;; @end deffn
(define (make-cpi debug defines incdirs inchelp)
;; convert inchelp into inc-file->typenames and inc-file->defines
;; Any entry for an include file which contains `=' is considered
;; a define; otherwise, the entry is a typename.
(define (split-helper helper)
(let ((file (car helper)))
(let iter ((tyns '()) (defs '()) (ents (cdr helper)))
((null? ents) (values (cons file tyns) (cons file defs)))
((split-cppdef (car ents)) =>
(lambda (def) (iter tyns (cons def defs) (cdr ents))))
(else (iter (cons (car ents) tyns) defs (cdr ents)))))))
(let* ((cpi (make-cpi-1)))
(set-cpi-debug! cpi debug) ; print states debug
(set-cpi-defs! cpi (map split-cppdef defines)) ; list of define strings
(set-cpi-incs! cpi incdirs) ; list of include dir's
(set-cpi-ptl! cpi '()) ; list of lists of typenames
(set-cpi-ctl! cpi '()) ; list of typenames
;; itynd idefd:
(let iter ((itynd '()) (idefd '()) (helpers inchelp))
(cond ((null? helpers)
(set-cpi-itynd! cpi itynd)
(set-cpi-idefd! cpi idefd))
(lambda () (split-helper (car helpers)))
(lambda (ityns idefs)
(iter (cons ityns itynd) (cons idefs idefd) (cdr helpers)))))))
(define *info* (make-fluid #f))
;; @deffn {Procedure} typename? name
;; Called by lexer to determine if symbol is a typename.
;; Check current sibling for each generation.
;; @end deffn
(define (typename? name)
(let ((cpi (fluid-ref *info*)))
(if (member name (cpi-ctl cpi)) #t
(let iter ((ptl (cpi-ptl cpi)))
(if (null? ptl) #f
(if (member name (car ptl)) #t
(iter (cdr ptl))))))))
;; @deffn {Procedure} add-typename name
;; Helper for @code{save-typenames}.
;; @end deffn
(define (add-typename name)
(let ((cpi (fluid-ref *info*)))
(set-cpi-ctl! cpi (cons name (cpi-ctl cpi)))))
(define (cpi-push) ;; on #if
(let ((cpi (fluid-ref *info*)))
(set-cpi-ptl! cpi (cons (cpi-ctl cpi) (cpi-ptl cpi)))
(set-cpi-ctl! cpi '())))
(define (cpi-shift) ;; on #elif #else
(set-cpi-ctl! (fluid-ref *info*) '()))
(define (cpi-pop) ;; on #endif
(let ((cpi (fluid-ref *info*)))
(set-cpi-ctl! cpi (append (cpi-ctl cpi) (car (cpi-ptl cpi))))
(set-cpi-ptl! cpi (cdr (cpi-ptl cpi)))))
;; @deffn {Procedure} find-new-typenames decl
;; Helper for @code{save-typenames}.
;; Given declaration return a list of new typenames (via @code{typedef}).
;; @end deffn
(define (find-new-typenames decl)
;; like declr->ident in util2.scm
(define (declr->id-name declr)
(case (car declr)
((ident) (sx-ref declr 1))
((init-declr) (declr->id-name (sx-ref declr 1)))
((comp-declr) (declr->id-name (sx-ref declr 1)))
((array-of) (declr->id-name (sx-ref declr 1)))
((ptr-declr) (declr->id-name (sx-ref declr 2)))
((ftn-declr) (declr->id-name (sx-ref declr 1)))
((scope) (declr->id-name (sx-ref declr 1)))
(else (error "coding bug: " declr))))
(let* ((spec (sx-ref decl 1))
(stor (sx-find 'stor-spec spec))
(id-l (sx-ref decl 2)))
(if (and stor (eqv? 'typedef (caadr stor)))
(let iter ((res '()) (idl (cdr id-l)))
(if (null? idl) res
(iter (cons (declr->id-name (sx-ref (car idl) 1)) res)
(cdr idl))))
;; @deffn {Procedure} save-typenames decl
;; Save the typenames for the lexical analyzer and return the decl.
;; @end deffn
(define (save-typenames decl)
;; This finds typenames using @code{find-new-typenames} and adds via
;; @code{add-typename}. Then return the decl.
(for-each add-typename (find-new-typenames decl))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (p-err . args)
(apply throw 'c99-error args))
;; @deffn {Procedure} read-cpp-line ch => #f | (cpp-xxxx)??
;; Given if ch is #\# read a cpp-statement.
;; The standard implies that comments are tossed here but we keep them
;; so that they can end up in the pretty-print output.
;; @end deffn
(define (read-cpp-line ch)
(if (not (eq? ch #\#)) #f
(let iter ((cl '()) (ch (read-char)))
((eof-object? ch) (throw 'cpp-error "CPP lines must end in newline"))
((eq? ch #\newline) (unread-char ch) (list->string (reverse cl)))
((eq? ch #\\)
(let ((c2 (read-char)))
(if (eq? c2 #\newline)
(iter cl (read-char))
(iter (cons* c2 ch cl) (read-char)))))
((eq? ch #\/) ;; swallow comments, event w/ newlines
(let ((c2 (read-char)))
((eqv? c2 #\*)
(let iter2 ((cl2 (cons* #\* #\/ cl)) (ch (read-char)))
((eq? ch #\*)
(let ((c2 (read-char)))
(if (eqv? c2 #\/)
(iter (cons* #\/ #\* cl2) (read-char)) ;; keep comment
(iter2 (cons #\* cl2) c2))))
(iter2 (cons ch cl2) (read-char))))))
(iter (cons #\/ cl) c2)))))
(else (iter (cons ch cl) (read-char)))))))
;; @deffn {Procedure} find-file-in-dirl file dirl => path
;; @end deffn
(define (find-file-in-dirl file dirl)
(let iter ((dirl dirl))
(if (null? dirl) #f
(let ((p (string-append (car dirl) "/" file)))
(if (access? p R_OK) p (iter (cdr dirl)))))))
(define (def-xdef? name mode)
(eqv? mode 'code))
;; @deffn {Procedure} gen-c-lexer [#:mode mode] [#:xdef? proc] => procedure
;; Generate a context-sensitive lexer for the C99 language. The generated
;; lexical analyzer reads and passes comments and optionally CPP statements
;; to the parser. The keyword argument @var{mode} will determine if CPP
;; statements are passed (@code{'file} mode) or parsed and executed
;; (@code{'file} mode) as described above. Comments will be passed as
;; ``line'' comments or ``lone'' comments: lone comments appear on a line
;; without code. The @code{xdef?} keyword argument allows user to pass
;; a predicate which determines whether CPP symbols in code are expanded.
;; The default predicate is
;; @example
;; (define (def-xdef? mode name) (eqv? mode 'code))
;; @end example
;; @end deffn
(define gen-c-lexer
;; This gets ugly in order to handle cpp.
;;.need to add support for num's w/ letters like @code{14L} and @code{1.3f}.
;; todo: I think there is a bug wrt the comment reader because // ... \n
;; will end up in same mode... so after
;; int x; // comment
;; the lexer will think we are not at BOL.
(let* ((match-table mtab)
(read-ident read-c-ident)
(read-comm read-c-comm)
(ident-like? (make-ident-like-p read-ident))
(strtab (filter-mt string? match-table)) ; strings in grammar
(kwstab (filter-mt ident-like? strtab)) ; keyword strings =>
(keytab (map-mt string->symbol kwstab)) ; keywords in grammar
(chrseq (remove-mt ident-like? strtab)) ; character sequences
(symtab (filter-mt symbol? match-table)) ; symbols in grammar
(chrtab (filter-mt char? match-table)) ; characters in grammar
(read-chseq (make-chseq-reader chrseq))
(assc-$ (lambda (pair) (cons (assq-ref symtab (car pair)) (cdr pair))))
(t-ident (assq-ref symtab '$ident))
(t-typename (assq-ref symtab 'typename))
(xp1 (sxpath '(cpp-stmt define)))
(xp2 (sxpath '(decl))))
;; mode: 'code|'file
;; xdef?: (proc name mode) => #t|#f : do we expand #define?
(lambda* (#:key (mode 'code) (xdef? #f))
(let ((bol #t) ; begin-of-line condition
(ppxs (list 'keep)) ; CPP execution state stack
(info (fluid-ref *info*)) ; assume make and run in same thread
(x-def? (or xdef? def-xdef?)))
;; Return the first (tval . lval) pair not excluded by the CPP.
(lambda ()
(define (exec-cpp?) ; exec (vs pass to parser) CPP stmts?
(eqv? mode 'code))
(define (cpp-flow? keyw)
(memq keyw '(if elif else)))
(define (add-define tree)
(let* ((tail (cdr tree))
(name (car (assq-ref tail 'name)))
(args (assq-ref tail 'args))
(repl (car (assq-ref tail 'repl)))
(cell (cons name (if args (cons args repl) repl))))
(set-cpi-defs! info (cons cell (cpi-defs info)))))
(define (rem-define name)
(set-cpi-defs! info (delete name (cpi-defs info))))
(define (apply-helper file)
(let* ((tyns (assoc-ref (cpi-itynd info) file))
(defs (assoc-ref (cpi-idefd info) file)))
(when tyns
(for-each add-typename tyns)
(set-cpi-defs! info (append defs (cpi-defs info))))
;; Evaluate expression text in #if of #elif statement.
(define (eval-cpp-cond-text text)
(lambda ()
(let* ((defs (cpi-defs info))
(rhs (cpp-expand-text text defs))
(exp (parse-cpp-expr rhs)))
(eval-cpp-expr exp defs)))
(lambda (key fmt . args)
(report-error fmt args)
(throw 'c99-error "CPP error"))))
(define (inc-stmt->file stmt)
(let* ((arg (cadr stmt)) (len (string-length arg)))
(substring arg 1 (1- len))))
(define (inc-file->path file)
(find-file-in-dirl file (cpi-incs info)))
(define (eval-cpp-stmt-1/code stmt)
;; eval control flow states: {skip-look, keep, skip-done, skip}
(case (car stmt)
(case (car ppxs)
((skip-look skip-done skip) ;; don't eval if excluded
(set! ppxs (cons 'skip ppxs)))
(let ((val (eval-cpp-cond-text (cadr stmt))))
(if (not val) (p-err "unresolved: ~S" (cadr stmt)))
(if (eq? 'keep (car ppxs))
(if (zero? val)
(set! ppxs (cons 'skip-look ppxs))
(set! ppxs (cons 'keep ppxs)))
(set! ppxs (cons 'skip-done ppxs)))))))
(case (car ppxs)
((skip) #t) ;; don't eval if excluded
(let ((val (eval-cpp-cond-text (cadr stmt))))
(if (not val) (p-err "unresolved: ~S" (cadr stmt)))
(case (car ppxs)
((skip-look) (if (not (zero? val)) (set-car! ppxs 'keep)))
((keep) (set-car! ppxs 'skip-done)))))))
(case (car ppxs)
((skip-look) (set-car! ppxs 'keep))
((keep) (set-car! ppxs 'skip-done))))
(set! ppxs (cdr ppxs)))
(if (eqv? 'keep (car ppxs))
(eval-cpp-stmt-2/code stmt)))))
(define (eval-cpp-stmt-2/code stmt)
;; eval non-control flow
(case (car stmt)
;; actions
(let* ((file (inc-stmt->file stmt))
(path (inc-file->path file)))
((apply-helper file)) ; use helper
((not path) (p-err "not found: ~S" file)) ; file not found
(else (set! bol #t) (push-input (open-input-file path))))))
((define) (add-define stmt))
((undef) (rem-define (cadr stmt)))
((error) (p-err "error: #error ~A" (cadr stmt)))
((pragma) #t) ;; ignore for now
(else (error "bad cpp flow stmt"))))
(define (eval-cpp-stmt-1/file stmt)
(case (car stmt)
((if) (cpi-push))
((elif else) (cpi-shift))
((endif) (cpi-pop))
(else (eval-cpp-stmt-2/file stmt))))
(define (eval-cpp-stmt-2/file stmt)
;; eval non-control flow
(case (car stmt)
;; includes
(let* ((file (inc-stmt->file stmt))
(path (inc-file->path file)))
((apply-helper file)) ; use helper
((not path) (p-err "not found: ~S" file)) ; file not found
((with-input-from-file path run-parse) => ; include tree
(lambda (tree) (for-each add-define (xp1 tree))))
(else (p-err "included from ~S" path)))))
((define) (add-define stmt))
((undef) (rem-define (cadr stmt)))
((error) #f)
((pragma) #t) ;; need to work this
(else (error "bad cpp flow stmt"))))
(define (eval-cpp-stmt stmt)
(lambda ()
(case mode
((code) (eval-cpp-stmt-1/code stmt))
((file) (eval-cpp-stmt-1/file stmt))))
(lambda (key fmt . rest)
(report-error fmt rest)
(throw 'c99-error "CPP error"))))
;; Composition of @code{read-cpp-line} and @code{eval-cpp-line}.
(define (read-cpp-stmt ch)
(and=> (read-cpp-line ch) cpp-line->stmt))
(define (read-token)
(let iter ((ch (read-char)))
((eof-object? ch)
(if (pop-input) (iter (read-char)) (assc-$ '($end . ""))))
((eq? ch #\newline) (set! bol #t) (iter (read-char)))
((char-set-contains? c:ws ch) (iter (read-char)))
(set! bol #f)
(cond ;; things that depend on bol only
((read-comm ch #t) => assc-$)
((read-cpp-stmt ch) =>
(lambda (stmt)
(eval-cpp-stmt stmt)
(case mode
((code) (iter (read-char)))
((file) (assc-$ `(cpp-stmt . ,stmt))))))
(else (iter ch))))
((read-ident ch) =>
(lambda (name)
(let ((symb (string->symbol name)))
((and (x-def? name mode)
(expand-cpp-macro-ref name (cpi-defs info)))
=> (lambda (st)
(push-input (open-input-string st))
(iter (read-char))))
((assq-ref keytab symb)
=> (lambda (t) (cons t name)))
((typename? name)
(cons (assq-ref symtab 'typename) name))
(cons (assq-ref symtab '$ident) name))))))
((read-c-num ch) => assc-$)
((read-c-string ch) => assc-$)
((read-c-chlit ch) => assc-$)
((read-comm ch #f) => assc-$)
((read-chseq ch) => identity)
((assq-ref chrtab ch) => (lambda (t) (cons t (string ch))))
((eqv? ch #\\) ;; C allows \ at end of line to continue
(let ((ch (read-char)))
(cond ((eqv? #\newline ch) (iter (read-char))) ;; extend line
(else (unread-char ch) (cons #\\ "\\"))))) ;; parse err
(else (cons ch (string ch))))))
;; Loop between reading tokens and skipping tokens via CPP logic.
(let iter ((pair (read-token)))
(case (car ppxs)
((keep) ;;(simple-format #t "lx=>~S\n" pair)
((skip-done skip-look skip)
(iter (read-token)))
(else (error "coding error"))))
;; --- last line ---