hax0rz..ugh + next name? test in macro.mes.
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,20 +58,28 @@
(d-s s-r
(lambda (. n-a)
(display "YEAH:")
(display n-a)
'(lambda (. i) ;;(i r c)
(display "transformers")
;; (define (foo) (display "Footje") (newline) 'f-f-f)
;; foo
;;(let ())
(;; let () ;; syntax-rules uses (let () ...),
;; mes doesn't support that yet; use ((lambda () ...))
(lambda ()
;; syntax-rules uses defines that get closured-in
;; mes doesn't support that yet; move down
;; (define name? symbol?)
(lambda (. n-a)
(define name? symbol?)
(display "YEAH:")
(display n-a)
(display (name? n-a))
'(lambda (. i) ;;(i r c)
(display "transformers")
;; (define (foo) (display "Footje") (newline) 'f-f-f)
;; foo
(display "calling s-r")
@ -291,6 +291,17 @@ apply_env_ (scm *fn, scm *x, scm *a)
return begin_env (cddr (fn), pairlis (cadr (fn), x, a));
else if (car (fn) == &scm_label)
return apply_env (caddr (fn), x, cons (cons (cadr (fn), caddr (fn)), a));
else if (car (fn)->type == PAIR) {
#if DEBUG // FIXME: for macro.mes/syntax.mes this feels *wrong*
printf ("APPLY WTF: fn=");
display (fn);
puts ("");
//return apply_env_ (eval_ (fn, a), x, a);
scm *e = eval_ (fn, a);
return apply_env_ (e, x, a);
//return &scm_unspecified;
else if ((macro = assq (car (fn), cdr (assq (&scm_macro, a)))) != &scm_f) {
@ -302,13 +313,18 @@ apply_env_ (scm *fn, scm *x, scm *a)
display (cdr (fn));
puts ("");
scm *r = apply_env (cdr (macro), cdr (fn), a);
//scm *r = apply_env (cdr (macro), cdr (fn), a);
scm *r = apply_env (eval_ (cdr (macro), a), cdr (fn), a);
printf ("APPLY MACRO GOT: ==> ");
display (r);
puts ("");
return apply_env (r, x, a);
//return apply_env (r, x, a);
scm *e = eval_ (r, a);
return apply_env (e, x, a);
//return eval_ (cons (r, x), a);
//return apply_env_ (eval (cdr (macro), a), x, a);
//return eval (apply_env_ (cdr (macro), x, a), a);
@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
;;(display thing)
(define (member x lst)
(display "MEMBER x=") (display x) (newline) (memq x lst))
(display "mes:define-syntax...")
;;(define (caddr x) (car (cdr (cdr x))))
@ -81,191 +83,211 @@
(mes:define-syntax syntax-rules
(let ()
(;; let () ;; syntax-rules uses (let () ...),
;; mes doesn't support that yet; use ((lambda () ...))
(lambda ()
(define name? symbol?)
;; syntax-rules uses defines that get closured-in
;; mes doesn't support that yet; move down
;; (define name? symbol?)
(define (segment-pattern? pattern)
(and (segment-template? pattern)
(or (null? (cddr pattern))
(syntax-error "segment matching not implemented" pattern))))
;; (define (segment-pattern? pattern)
;; (and (segment-template? pattern)
;; (or (null? (cddr pattern))
;; (syntax-error "segment matching not implemented" pattern))))
(define (segment-template? pattern)
(and (pair? pattern)
(pair? (cdr pattern))
(memq (cadr pattern) indicators-for-zero-or-more)))
;; (define (segment-template? pattern)
;; (and (pair? pattern)
;; (pair? (cdr pattern))
;; (memq (cadr pattern) indicators-for-zero-or-more)))
(define indicators-for-zero-or-more (list (string->symbol "...") '---))
;; (define indicators-for-zero-or-more (list (string->symbol "...") '---))
(display "BOOO")
(display "BOOO")
(lambda (exp r c)
(lambda (exp r c)
(define %input (r '%input)) ;Gensym these, if you like.
(define %compare (r '%compare))
(define %rename (r '%rename))
(define %tail (r '%tail))
(define %temp (r '%temp))
;; FIXME: mes, moved down
(define name? symbol?)
(define rules (cddr exp))
(define subkeywords (cadr exp))
(define (segment-pattern? pattern)
(and (segment-template? pattern)
(or (null? (cddr pattern))
(syntax-error "segment matching not implemented" pattern))))
(define (make-transformer rules)
`(lambda (,%input ,%rename ,%compare)
(let ((,%tail (cdr ,%input)))
(cond ,@(map process-rule rules)
(#t ;;else
"use of macro doesn't match definition"
(define (segment-template? pattern)
(and (pair? pattern)
(pair? (cdr pattern))
(memq (cadr pattern) indicators-for-zero-or-more)))
(define (process-rule rule)
(if (and (pair? rule)
(pair? (cdr rule))
(null? (cddr rule)))
(let ((pattern (cdar rule))
(template (cadr rule)))
`((and ,@(process-match %tail pattern))
(let* ,(process-pattern pattern
(lambda (x) x))
,(process-template template
(meta-variables pattern 0 '())))))
(syntax-error "ill-formed syntax rule" rule)))
(define indicators-for-zero-or-more (list (string->symbol "...") '---))
;; end FIXME
;; Generate code to test whether input expression matches pattern
(define (process-match input pattern)
(cond ((name? pattern)
(if (member pattern subkeywords)
`((,%compare ,input (,%rename ',pattern)))
((segment-pattern? pattern)
(process-segment-match input (car pattern)))
((pair? pattern)
`((let ((,%temp ,input))
(and (pair? ,%temp)
,@(process-match `(car ,%temp) (car pattern))
,@(process-match `(cdr ,%temp) (cdr pattern))))))
((or (null? pattern) (boolean? pattern) (char? pattern))
`((eq? ,input ',pattern)))
(#t ;;else
`((equal? ,input ',pattern)))))
(define %input (r '%input)) ;Gensym these, if you like.
(define %compare (r '%compare))
(define %rename (r '%rename))
(define %tail (r '%tail))
(define %temp (r '%temp))
(define (process-segment-match input pattern)
(let ((conjuncts (process-match '(car l) pattern)))
(if (null? conjuncts)
`((list? ,input)) ;+++
`((let loop ((l ,input))
(or (null? l)
(and (pair? l)
(loop (cdr l)))))))))
(define rules (cddr exp))
(define subkeywords (cadr exp))
;; Generate code to take apart the input expression
;; This is pretty bad, but it seems to work (can't say why).
(define (make-transformer rules)
`(lambda (,%input ,%rename ,%compare)
(let ((,%tail (cdr ,%input)))
(cond ,@(map process-rule rules)
(#t ;;else
"use of macro doesn't match definition"
(define (process-pattern pattern path mapit)
(cond ((name? pattern)
(if (memq pattern subkeywords)
(list (list pattern (mapit path)))))
((segment-pattern? pattern)
(process-pattern (car pattern)
(lambda (x) ;temp is free in x
(mapit (if (eq? %temp x)
path ;+++
`(map (lambda (,%temp) ,x)
((pair? pattern)
(append (process-pattern (car pattern) `(car ,path) mapit)
(process-pattern (cdr pattern) `(cdr ,path) mapit)))
(#t ;;else
(define (process-rule rule)
(if (and (pair? rule)
(pair? (cdr rule))
(null? (cddr rule)))
(let ((pattern (cdar rule))
(template (cadr rule)))
`((and ,@(process-match %tail pattern))
(let* ,(process-pattern pattern
(lambda (x) x))
,(process-template template
(meta-variables pattern 0 '())))))
(syntax-error "ill-formed syntax rule" rule)))
;; Generate code to compose the output expression according to template
;; Generate code to test whether input expression matches pattern
(define (process-template template rank env)
(cond ((name? template)
(let ((probe (assq template env)))
(if probe
(if (<= (cdr probe) rank)
(syntax-error "template rank error (too few ...'s?)"
`(,%rename ',template))))
((segment-template? template)
(let ((vars
(free-meta-variables (car template) (+ rank 1) env '())))
(if (null? vars)
(syntax-error "too many ...'s" template)
(let* ((x (process-template (car template)
(+ rank 1)
(gen (if (equal? (list x) vars)
x ;+++
`(map (lambda ,vars ,x)
(if (null? (cddr template))
gen ;+++
`(append ,gen ,(process-template (cddr template)
rank env)))))))
((pair? template)
`(cons ,(process-template (car template) rank env)
,(process-template (cdr template) rank env)))
(#t ;;else
`(quote ,template))))
(define (process-match input pattern)
(cond ((name? pattern)
(if (member pattern subkeywords)
`((,%compare ,input (,%rename ',pattern)))
((segment-pattern? pattern)
(process-segment-match input (car pattern)))
((pair? pattern)
`((let ((,%temp ,input))
(and (pair? ,%temp)
,@(process-match `(car ,%temp) (car pattern))
,@(process-match `(cdr ,%temp) (cdr pattern))))))
((or (null? pattern) (boolean? pattern) (char? pattern))
`((eq? ,input ',pattern)))
(#t ;;else
`((equal? ,input ',pattern)))))
;; Return an association list of (var . rank)
(define (process-segment-match input pattern)
(let ((conjuncts (process-match '(car l) pattern)))
(if (null? conjuncts)
`((list? ,input)) ;+++
`((let loop ((l ,input))
(or (null? l)
(and (pair? l)
(loop (cdr l)))))))))
(define (meta-variables pattern rank vars)
(cond ((name? pattern)
(if (memq pattern subkeywords)
(cons (cons pattern rank) vars)))
((segment-pattern? pattern)
(meta-variables (car pattern) (+ rank 1) vars))
((pair? pattern)
(meta-variables (car pattern) rank
(meta-variables (cdr pattern) rank vars)))
(#t ;;else
;; Generate code to take apart the input expression
;; This is pretty bad, but it seems to work (can't say why).
;; Return a list of meta-variables of given higher rank
(define (process-pattern pattern path mapit)
(cond ((name? pattern)
(if (memq pattern subkeywords)
(list (list pattern (mapit path)))))
((segment-pattern? pattern)
(process-pattern (car pattern)
(lambda (x) ;temp is free in x
(mapit (if (eq? %temp x)
path ;+++
`(map (lambda (,%temp) ,x)
((pair? pattern)
(append (process-pattern (car pattern) `(car ,path) mapit)
(process-pattern (cdr pattern) `(cdr ,path) mapit)))
(#t ;;else
(define (free-meta-variables template rank env free)
(cond ((name? template)
(if (and (not (memq template free))
(let ((probe (assq template env)))
(and probe (>= (cdr probe) rank))))
(cons template free)
((segment-template? template)
(free-meta-variables (car template)
rank env
(free-meta-variables (cddr template)
rank env free)))
((pair? template)
(free-meta-variables (car template)
rank env
(free-meta-variables (cdr template)
rank env free)))
(#t ;;else
;; Generate code to compose the output expression according to template
c ;ignored
(define (process-template template rank env)
(cond ((name? template)
(let ((probe (assq template env)))
(if probe
(if (<= (cdr probe) rank)
(syntax-error "template rank error (too few ...'s?)"
`(,%rename ',template))))
((segment-template? template)
(let ((vars
(free-meta-variables (car template) (+ rank 1) env '())))
(if (null? vars)
(syntax-error "too many ...'s" template)
(let* ((x (process-template (car template)
(+ rank 1)
(gen (if (equal? (list x) vars)
x ;+++
`(map (lambda ,vars ,x)
(if (null? (cddr template))
gen ;+++
`(append ,gen ,(process-template (cddr template)
rank env)))))))
((pair? template)
`(cons ,(process-template (car template) rank env)
,(process-template (cdr template) rank env)))
(#t ;;else
`(quote ,template))))
(display "HELLO")
;; Return an association list of (var . rank)
;; Kludge for Scheme48 linker.
;; `(cons ,(make-transformer rules)
;; ',(find-free-names-in-syntax-rules subkeywords rules))
(define (meta-variables pattern rank vars)
(cond ((name? pattern)
(if (memq pattern subkeywords)
(cons (cons pattern rank) vars)))
((segment-pattern? pattern)
(meta-variables (car pattern) (+ rank 1) vars))
((pair? pattern)
(meta-variables (car pattern) rank
(meta-variables (cdr pattern) rank vars)))
(#t ;;else
(make-transformer rules))))
;; Return a list of meta-variables of given higher rank
(define (free-meta-variables template rank env free)
(cond ((name? template)
(if (and (not (memq template free))
(let ((probe (assq template env)))
(and probe (>= (cdr probe) rank))))
(cons template free)
((segment-template? template)
(free-meta-variables (car template)
rank env
(free-meta-variables (cddr template)
rank env free)))
((pair? template)
(free-meta-variables (car template)
rank env
(free-meta-variables (cdr template)
rank env free)))
(#t ;;else
c ;ignored
(display "HELLO")
;; Kludge for Scheme48 linker.
;; `(cons ,(make-transformer rules)
;; ',(find-free-names-in-syntax-rules subkeywords rules))
(make-transformer rules)))))
(mes:define-syntax mes:or
Reference in a new issue