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/* -*-comment-start: "//";comment-end:""-*-
* Mes --- Maxwell Equations of Software
* Copyright © 2017 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <>
* This file is part of Mes.
* Mes is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
* your option) any later version.
* Mes is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Mes. If not, see <>.
#include "30-test.i"
#include <mlibc.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
add (void *ptab, int *nb_ptr, void *data)
int nb, nb_alloc;
int **pp;
nb = *nb_ptr;
pp = *(void ***)ptab;
/* every power of two we double array size */
if ((nb & (nb - 1)) == 0) {
if (!nb)
nb_alloc = 1;
nb_alloc = nb * 2;
pp = realloc (pp, nb_alloc * sizeof(void *));
*(void***)ptab = pp;
pp[nb++] = data;
*nb_ptr = nb;
typedef struct file {
char name[4];
} file_struct;
struct state {
int bla;
char **paths;
int path_count;
struct file **files;
//file_struct **files;
int file_count;
struct state g_s;
test ()
struct state *s = &g_s;
char* file_name = "file-name";
struct file *file;
file = malloc (sizeof (struct file) + strlen (file_name));
strcpy (file->name, file_name);
add (&s->files, &s->file_count, file);
char *path_name = "foo:bar:baz";
add (&s->paths, &s->path_count, path_name);
if (strcmp (*s->paths, path_name)) return 1;
eputs ("&PATHS="); eputs (itoa (&s->paths)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("&FILES="); eputs (itoa (&s->files)); eputs ("\n");
struct file *fs;
eputs ("foo\n");
fs = s->files[0];
eputs ("add s= "); eputs (itoa (s)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("add fs= "); eputs (itoa (fs)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("&fs->[0]="); eputs (itoa (fs->name)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("fs->name="); eputs (fs->name); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("ps= "); eputs (itoa (s->paths)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("*ps "); eputs (*s->paths); eputs ("\n");
if (strcmp (fs->name, file_name)) return 2;
eputs ("&fs->[0]="); eputs (itoa (fs->name)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("fs->name="); eputs (fs->name); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("ps= "); eputs (itoa (s->paths)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("*ps "); eputs (*s->paths); eputs ("\n");
file = malloc (sizeof (struct file) + strlen (file_name));
file_name = "hallo";
strcpy (file->name, file_name);
add (&s->files, &s->file_count, file);
struct file **pf = s->files;
fs = pf[0];
eputs ("\n");
eputs ("&fs0*= "); eputs (itoa (&pf[0])); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("fs0*= "); eputs (itoa (fs)); eputs ("\n");
fs = s->files[0];
eputs ("fs0*= "); eputs (itoa (fs)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("\n");
pf = s->files;
fs = pf[1];
eputs ("&fs1*= "); eputs (itoa (&pf[1])); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("fs1*= "); eputs (itoa (fs)); eputs ("\n");
fs = s->files[1];
eputs ("fs1*= "); eputs (itoa (fs)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("\n");
if (strcmp (fs->name, file_name)) return 3;
fs = g_s.files[0];
eputs ("gfs0*= "); eputs (itoa (fs)); eputs ("\n");
fs = g_s.files[1];
eputs ("gfs1*= "); eputs (itoa (fs)); eputs ("\n");
eputs ("\n");
if (strcmp (fs->name, file_name)) return 3;
return 0;